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Isla McQueen sat in the dog. She sighed to herself as she looked to it to see that she had been stood up by Liam again. She looked to her phone and rolled her eyes. She looked to see a message saying that he would make it up to her. She walked to the bar and smiled to Mercedes "another please" she said as Mercedes smiled. Things power difficult between Isla and Mercedes since Mercedes had an affair with Islas boyfriend Liam Donovan . Isla has been accused of shooting her own mother because of it. Mercedes poured Isla a drink and smiled as she handed it to her "everything okay" she asked as isla looked to her and sighed "i don't know, my head is a mess and I don't know what to think ever since Jesse died he has been distant" Isla said as mercy smiled to her "he's been through a lot" mercy said as isla nodded

"I know that he has but it is only excuse for how he treats me is it" Isla said as warren walked over and smirked as he looked to Isla "no, it's not and what Liam needs to remember is that he can only push you away for so long before you find comfort in someone else" warren said as isla looked to him and smirked slightly "what kind of girl are you suggesting that I am, I'm not one to cheat" "I never said that you were. But Liam doesn't respect you and you deserve a lot better than that" he said as isla "let me buy you a drink, we can talk over how much we dislike Liam as I'm betting you don't lick him for standing you up again" warren said as isla looked to him and smiled "sure, I don't have anything to loose"


Isla sat with warren as they sat drinking. He looked to her and smirked "so tell me, what do you see in Liam" he asked as Isla looked to warren and smiled "I know that you don't like him but he isn't as bad as he seems. He is a good guy" Isla said as warren looked to her and frowned "is he? I seen how he is with you, I see how he treats you and it's not fair on you. I don't think that your as happy as you seem or how you wish. You deserve a lot better than him" warren said. Isla looked to him and smiled as they held a look. She looked to him and smiled. She knew that she felt a connection with him


Isla got to the club and frowned as she walked into the office and saw Liam throwing darts at pictures of warren, Mercedes and maxine "what are you doing" she asked "nothing, forget it" he said as she looked to him and rolled her eyes "your up to something" "it's nothing, come here" he said as he pulled her close and kissed her, Isla kissed him back and smirked into the kiss as it got more passionate. He lead her to the desk and stood between her legs as she undid his belt and smirked as he pushed into her causing her to moan. All Isla could think about was now part of her wished it was warren fox.

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