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Isla lay in bed with warren, she was still in shock over everything that had happened and how Liam had tried to kill her and how he was now dead, Warren looked to her and smiled

"are you okay" he asked as she nodded

"I'm fine I guess I'm just thinking over everything it's a mess" isla said as he looked to her and smiled

"I know I know you have been through a lot but Liam is gone and he can't hurt you and now we can be together for real" he said as he placed a hand on her cheek as she looked to him for a moment and frowned

"you mean go public" she asked as he looked to her and nodded

"I do, I want us to be together and I think we have gone so hard so that we can be, I know what happened with Liam but I am not Liam and I will not hurt you, I love you and I will do whatever I have to so I can protect you and look after you" warren said as isla smiled.

She knew she wanted them to be together and she knew that she didn't want to be scared but she knew what happened with Liam effected her more than she thought it would   
Isla stood in the pub as she started to open up as mercy walked in and looked to her

"can we talk" she asked as isla looked to her and sighed

"I don't think we have anything to say if it is about Liam" isla said

"it's not it's about you and warren" mercy said as they held a look as isla looked to her and sighed

"I know what you think and how you think warren is bad news but it's not like that. Yeah I go for the bad boys bit like you me but warren loves me and had been trying to get me away from Liam for long enough, he is a good guy deep down" isla said as mercy sighed "I just don't want you to get hurt that's all" mercy said as isla smiled

"I know and I appreciate that but it will be okay and I am trying to move on from all that happened with Liam and what he did and I do want to move on with my life and I am not going to let him define me because of what he did" isla said as mercy looked to her and smiled

"well I'm glad as she were a lot better then him and you always were"mercy said as isla looked to her and smiled

Isla stood as she stood working on the bar as she looked to Esmè and smiled "are you okay" Esmè asked as isla looked to her and smiled

"I guess I'm just thinking over things" isla said as Esmè looked to her and smiled

"because of warren I know that things are messy but that's okay warren is a good guy and if he makes you happy you should folks your heart as she deserve to be happy" Esmè said as isla looked to her snd smiled but would isla make her relationship with warren official and public

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