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Isla didn't know what she was going to do. She knew how she was pregnant and she knew how she had told warren and how conflicted he felt. He wanted to be there for Isla and the baby but he was stuck in a jail cell for something that she had done

Isla sat in the flat and wiped the tears away from her eyes. She didn't know what she was going to do but all that she knew was that she felt lonely. She felt more alone then ever

Isla knew how she wanted to get warren out and she knew that she needed him especially now that she knew that she was pregnant

Isla lay back in the couch and placed a hand on her stomach. She knew that she hadn't got he'd head over how she was pregnant but she knew that she did want to have her baby

Isla sighed as she heard a knock at the flat door as she stood up and answered it as she saw it was Mercedes and frowned as she looked to her

"What are you doing here?" Isla asked as mercedes looked to her and rolled her eyes

"I came to see you. I haven't seen you for a while and I was worried as I know your worried over warren" mercy said as Isla sat down and sighed

"I don't know how I am. I mean it is all a mess and I hate it" Isla said as Mercedes smiled

"Warren will get out. He always does" Mercedes said as Isla looked to her and smiled

Isla sat in the cafe and looked to see Esme as she asked in. Esme looked to Isla and frowned. She wasn't stupid and she knew her best friend

"Are you okay?" She asked as Isla smiled

"I'm okay why" Isla asked as Esme looked to her and smiled

"Because you're my best friend and I know you and I can tell when something is up" Esme said as Isla smiled slightly as she sat back in her seat

"My boyfriend in jail for something I did. I went to the doctor turns out I'm pregnant and I have no idea what the hell I am going to do" Isla said as Esme looked to her in shock and smiled

"It's going to be okay. I am here and it will be okay" Esme said. She could see how terrified Isla was feeling over the whole situation

Isla got to the prison and smiled as she saw warren. He reached for her hand and smiled

"How are you feeling?" He asked as she looked up at him and smiled

"Scared. Alone I don't know what to do. What if you don't get out" she said as he smiled

"I will I am doing all I can to get out so I can be there for you. Both of you i promise . Trust me" he said as she smiled

"I do" she said as he placed a hand on hers and smiled

Isla knew just how hard everything was but she had no idea if warren would ever get out but could warren find away to get back to Isla and their unborn baby?

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