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Isla sat in the flat and looked to see Mercedes as she walked in

"oh here you are. I have been meaning to sr you alone, every time I seem to see you, you are with warren" Mercedes said as isla looked to her mother and sighed

"and let me guess. You are not a fan of that" isla said as Mercedes sighed

"you have a reputation for choosing bad men I mean Liam for one and he is warren fox after all and you know what he is like and what he is capable off. Look I just want you to be happy and I know it might not be that easy and that but I do and there's something over warren, I just can't help but worry over it. I mean you are my daughter after all and I will do whatever I have to do I can protect you" Mercedes said as isla looked to her and smiled

"warren is good for me mum"

"I know but Liam broke apart of you and I don't want warren fox to do the same thing, just promise me that you will be careful" Mercedes said as isla looked to her and sighed

"I will okay but you really don't need to worry" isla said

Isla walked into the office at the club and smirked as she saw warren

"well this is a nice surprise" he said as isla looked to him and smirked

"what can I say, I was bored and I missed you and my mother has warned me that be careful you know how bad you are" she said as she sat on the side of his desk as he stood up and smirked

"oh if only she knew" warren said as he grabbed her thighs and pulled her close as he got between her legs and pulled her close

she moaned against his touch as he leant in and kissed her. The kiss was heated and passionate as they started to strip off, isla smirked as she undo his belt as he pulled her to him. The contents of his desk fell over the floor as he pushed into her.

Isla moaned loudly as he started to move in and out of her, all that could be heard was the sounds of her moans as he went quick and passionate. It was what they both wanted. Isla felt herself get close as the door opened

"oh shit" Esmè said as she walked in on them only to walk back out mortified at what she had just seen

Isla sat in the flat and looked as esme walked in and smiled

"sorry about before" Isla said as esme smiled

"don't worry. Are you okay" esme asked as Isla nodded

"I'm fine what's up" Isla asked as she saw the look on esme face knowing that there was something bothering her

"there's something you need to know I don't know what but warren is up to something. Something dodgy and your my best friend and I think you deserve to know" esme said as Isla looked to her and frowned.

Isla didn't know what to think but she wanted to trust warren but just what was he up too?

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