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Isla got to warrens and stood outside of his flat. She knocked on the door and sighed as she leant against the wall waiting as he answered the door and looked to her and smirked

"what are you doing here?" He asked as she walked inside and looked to him

"what, aren't you happy to see me. I have some news" she said as warren looked to her and smirked

"what is it, let me guess you and Donovan are getting married" warren said as Isla groaned in disgust

"god no, I am not going to marry that creep in a million years. Do you still want to take him down?" Isla asked as warren looked to her and smirked

"of course I do" he said as Isla looked to him and nodded

"good as I know a lot of things that could help you if you want me to help you" Isla said as warren looked to her and smirked

"and what is in it for you" he asked

"justice and maybe you can find away to thank me" Isla said as she edged closer to him.

Warren looked to her and smirked as he grabbed her waist and pulled her close and kissed her passionately. She wrapped her arms around his neck and moaned into the kiss as he pushed her against the wall.

He ran his hands up her thighs causing her to moan as the kiss got more heated. They started to pull their clothes off of each other as he lead them into the bedroom as he pushed her onto the bed as he pulled her thong off of her and smirked as he climbed on top of her and pulled her close as he pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her.

She dug her nails into his back and moaned as she felt something that she didn't with Liam, wanted and lust


Isla lay in her bed at the pub as warren stood watching her, they had headed back to the pub and ended up having sex again. Isla looked to warren and smirked

"what are you looking at?" She asked as she walked over to warren and straddled him. Warren looked to her and smirked as he pulled her close

"oh I think that you know, I'm looking you" he said as he pulled her close and kissed her passionately.

Isla moaned as she ran her hands through his hair and moaned as the door opened as Mercedes walked on. Isla pulled away and looked to her and sighed as she realised that she and warren had been caught

"what the hell is going on here" Mercedes asked as isla looked to her and sighed

"you can't judge me. Not after what you and Liam did, I can't be happy with him" isla said as Mercedes looked to her and rolled her eyes

"so this is the answer is it, warren fox?" Mercedes asked as isla nodded

"I'm a lot of a lot happier with what ever this is than I am being liams arm accessory" isla said as Mercedes looked to her and sighed as she realised just how unhappy isla was


Isla walked into the club as she saw Liam as he sat in the office, she looked to him and frowned

"I thought you were with Iona" isla asked as he looked to her and shock his head

"no, I need to find a way to take him down. Warren fox, he things he is the big man but I am the big man now" Liam said as isla looked to him and sighed. She was sick and tired of the obsession that he had over warren

"Liam, this is getting old can't you just drop whatever this is. It is getting old" isla said as he looked to her and frowned

"no, I can't. I need to get rid of him don't you get that" Liam yelled as she looked to him and frowned, she hated how he spoke to her

"fine, you know what Liam, you do what you want and see if I care" isla spat as she walked off. She just didn't care anymore especially when it came to him and his little games

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