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Isla knew how she had been doing all she could to get Warren out of jail. She knew she needed him there for her as she was having a baby. His baby. And she needed him there with her.

It wasn't easy. She knew that. And there was a lot she was going to have to do in order to make it possible for him to be released.

Isla was worried that the appeal would be for nothing. That he wouldn't be out for the birth of the baby. She knew she would feel so let down if he wasn't there.

She knew it was all down to Liam. And how he had been a complete jerk with everyone. Warren was only defending them. He had been doing what he could to keep her safe. And she knew he shouldn't have been sent down for that.

Liam was evil. And he had ruined so many lives. And that in itself hurt Isla. She thought they were happy together. Yet all he had done was treat her like crap.

Isla was happy with Warren. He had changed her life. And he had shown her she was worthy of love. Something she knew Liam never did.

All Isla knew was that things were hard for her. And she just didn't know how to cope. Especially as she knew she was having a baby. And she wanted Warren there with her.

Morning came and she walked into the living room. She looked to Mercedes who smiled. "You okay?" She asked.

"No. I want Warren out. I'm having his baby. And he's not even here. I miss him so much. And he's not here for the baby," she mumbled. She looked to her. "I just want him here."

"I know you do. He'll be out soon enough," Mercedes told her as she smiled.


Isla went out into the village. She saw Esmè and Patrick. Patrick seemed to have a tight grip on Esmè. Isla walked over. "What's going on?" She asked.

Esmè looked to her and smiled. "Nothing. I just slipped and he grabbed me," she said as she saw Patrick glaring at her. "You're late for work."

Isla watched as Patrick walked off. She turned to Esmè. "It's not slippy at all. What's going on?" She asked.

Esmè sighed. "We had a disagreement. I told him I wasn't going to be his punch bag," she said. She smiled. "Oh. How's it going in trying to get Warren out?"

Isla shook her head. "It's not. I'm so stressed and I just need him here with me. I love him so much. And I'm not okay. I need him here with me. For the baby," she mumbled.

"I'm gonna help you do all I can. I promise," Esmè said. She took her hand. "It's gonna be okay."


Isla was walking back to the flat. She sighed as she looked to her phone. She had heard nothing from James at all. And she was worried about it.

Isla returned to the flat. She saw the door open and frowned. She walked inside and got the shock of her life. "Missed me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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