Chapter Two

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Lena feels as though she is having one of those out of body experiences as she follows Alex through her place of work. An underground government organization that deals specifically with aliens, posing as the FBI. Of course she knew about the DEO, her mother has been feuding with them for too many embarrassing years now. Yet, she's overwhelmed, her mind a little stunned and still in shock from witnessing Supergirl-no, Kara's, potential death and kidnapping. So, her feet move on autopilot, shuffling behind Alex but her eyes are alert, absorbing, memorizing this magnificent place.

There's a bitter chill in the air, slightly damp and seeping into her skin, settling into her bones and causing her to shiver. The place is immaculate, just as refined as L-Corp but at least her building has some modern décor and splashes of expensive art. This, well, this feels like a secret government, it feels like a prison, to be honest. Even the employees type against their computers robotically, they maybe even walk mechanically through the halls.

"Winn, please tell me you have some good news for us," Alex pleads, slightly hopeful yet every bit of emotionally exhausted. He slowly cranes his neck to meet her eyes, but his gaze catches Lena's presence and persuades his lips to remain sealed. Alex peeks over her shoulder and offers the best smile she can possibly muster up at a time like this. "She knows," is all she mutters before her glossy eyes flick back down to the computer screen in search of answers.

Winn doesn't bother with a pesky lie that he knows nobody will buy into, so he frowns at Lena and turns back to his job. "I'm sorry, but Reign bashed her head in with a cement block, she dropped her from-"

"We know what Reign did," Lena coldly interjects his rambling before her stomach involuntarily releases her dinner from those images already burned into her brain. "What we don't know, is if any piece of her tracking devices were left in contact?"

"No," he hesitantly reveals, "her earpiece was the first to be crushed and the tracking in her suit was the next to be damaged."

"I had a feeling," Alex murmurs mostly to herself, looking every bit of defeated but that only lights a fire under Lena's ass.

Her scarlet lips press firmly together as she crosses her arms over her chest. "Try not to appear so demoralized, Danvers. Weren't you the one promising me that we would find her? Get her back?" Alex's mouth pops open to argue, her eyes wide, expressing how taken aback she is by Lena's stern voice. "We don't have time for you to be the worried sister. No, right now we need the crafty special agent who thinks outside of the box," she snaps.

"What about you, Luthor? Any secret tech buried in that company of yours that might come in handy?"

"Ladies," J'onn sternly calls from behind them, every bit of the scolding father in his tone. "I understand that we are all on edge right now but we need to utilize that energy and redirect it into finding Supergirl."

Alex sighs heavily, her entire body deflating from the crushing worry about her sister's wellbeing. "What about you? Can't you search for her telepathically? Maybe with her so badly injured, her powers will be weak and allow you into her mind?"

Lena quirks up an eyebrow, amused and intrigued by this new piece of information, until she notices the man's face fall.

"I've tried already," he confesses with pure agitation, "I can't seem to reach her."

"Maybe if you try again-" Lena begins to plead but J'onn instantly cuts her off.

"She's Kryptonian, I usually can't enter their minds. But right now, her mind is completely blank, as if someone shut off all the lights and I'm stumbling through her brain in the dark."


"Hey," Emma whispers as she sneaks into the dimly lit hospital room, careful not to make a sound.

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