Chapter Seven

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She sits, her gaze intense yet still sparkling with mirth, maybe even wonderment. Kara searches deep in the back of her mind for a clue as to who the beautiful brunette is who won't stop flashing flirtatious little smirks her way. She knows she feels content with this raven-haired beauty, she can tell she's even grinning wildly along despite her lack of knowledge on the conversation.

"Well, Supergirl may have saved me but you, Kara Danvers, are my hero," the woman seductively whispers, forcing a blazing heat to swim violently beneath Kara's flesh.

She blinks, desperately trying to focus on the moment and remember who this woman is but her mind is blank. A blank piece of paper just begging to be scribbled upon.

When she opens her eyes again, the world is dark. She scans her surroundings but it's as though she is being forced to stare down a tunnel and observe only one thing at the end. That brunette again. She hears herself screaming to the woman, pleading for her to climb, encouraging her that she can do it. Her heart suddenly jump starts, as if paddles are being pressed against her chest, urging electricity to the organ to keep beating.

She's panicking, she doesn't know why but the brunette's eyes are sparkling from unshed tears and Kara just wants this moment to end. She's yelling at the stranger again, to keep climbing, while internally she's petrified of losing this unknown woman. She tells the struggling woman, blinking up at her with fear shining right through her eyes, (god, she wishes she could make out what color is peering up at her so hopelessly), anyways, she instructs her to jump.

And the woman obeys, taking a leap of faith and Kara knows in her heart that she will do whatever it takes to save this stranger. She's confident when her hand stretches out for the other woman that she has her, safe, even if it's only by one hand. She saved her life.

Except, when she blinks to admire the woman clinging to her hand, she finds nothing. In fact, Kara feels like she is the one falling instead. She squeezes her eyes shut, begging for the world to stop rushing by her. But when she opens her eyes again, she can vividly see the towering buildings zipping by her as she free falls and she panics. Her brain is screaming to kick, to squirm fly, but her body is refusing to cooperate. She slams her eyes shut again and she is tortured with that beautiful brunette once more.

She jolts awake, flinging forward in bed, gasping for a clean breath of fresh air.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, it was just a nightmare," Regina softly coos, running her warm hand up and down Kara's back.

She takes a shuddering breath, her body involuntarily shivering and that's when she realizes she's soaked in sweat. She closes her eyes again as she attempts to regulate her breathing but she sees that brunette staring back at her with those fearful eyes and nope, she forces her eyes open again.

"You're safe," Regina whispers, carefully sliding onto the edge of the mattress, her hand never desisting from those soothing ministrations. Kara simply gasps for her next breath, hunched over as she tries to focus on calming her erratic heart. "Would you like to talk about it?"

"I-I just..I mean...I don't..."

Regina gently shushes her before she swiftly scoots away, provoking a deep routed panic to bubble up inside of Kara.

"Where are you going?" She anxiously cries, clinging to Regina's wrist like maybe she can save this brunette if she couldn't protect the one from her dreams.

Regina frowns, tenderly wiping away the damp strands clinging to Kara's forehead. "I'm just going to get you a new shirt. You're soaked."

Kara nods once, releasing Regina's wrist as shame and embarrassment from her neediness swells inside of her. She shivers again, watching as Regina creeps in the night toward the dresser and retrieves another tank top. She quickly changes, her mind too distracted by her nightmare to be modest about her bare chest in front of Regina.

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