Chapter Six

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She's trembling, maybe from the high altitude, maybe from the lightening speed they are traveling at to reach this new Earth. Either way, she pretends she doesn't notice her own wobbly legs as she slowly waltzes up to the agent who is desperately trying not to cry. Her high stilettos click dangerously across the futuristic floors but Alex doesn't move from her position; hunched over a long conference table, grasping onto the back of her neck and hopelessly avoiding a good cry.

Lena gently sets down a glass of scotch. Alex peeks out from her arm barricade and hesitates for all of three seconds before she slowly pulls the glass closer to herself like Lena won't notice. A tired smirk tugs at the corner of Lena's mouth because all she sees in this moment is Kara, her dorky best friend. Alex tries to sip the alcohol without ever lifting her heavy head from the comfort of her own arms and Lena distinctly sees how the Danvers sisters are related. 

"May I sit?" Lena quietly whispers.

"Of course," Alex mumbles before relenting and lifting her tired head to down the rich amber liquid offered to her. "Thanks," she mutters again, lifting the glass in a silent cheers.

"I thought you could use it before we land on some unknown Earth."

"Hopefully this Earth has clouds in case I get hammered."


"Nothing," Alex sighs heavily, hating how only Kara understands all of her inside jokes. "What about you? How are you holding up?" And finally, Alex sets down the glass, half empty now and turns her attention toward Lena.

Lena who shifts uncomfortably under the weight of Alex's hard gaze. "I'm alright, now that I know we are on the right track to saving your sister."

"Your best friend," Alex counters, yet...yet, there's still an accusing insinuation in her tone.

"Yes, a best friend who couldn't possibly share her secret with me all because of my last name. Some best friend," she bitterly deflects, tossing back more liquid than her mouth is capable of but at least it will keep her quiet for now.

Alex is dead silent, her eyes boring into the side of Lena's face, her chin tilted up in that smug intimidating way like she has all the answers in the world. Lena refuses to say a damn word and for a long while, she is convinced neither one will ever speak again.

Alex chuckles humorlessly to herself before she scoops up her glass and tosses back what's left. Lena takes this time to gently sip her alcohol, savoring it, buying herself more time.

"You know..." Alex begins in a tone that is cryptic, almost teasing, "I have never, in my life, seen my sister defend someone so wholeheartedly before. Of course, she's Supergirl," she mumbles to herself, playing around with her empty glass while Lena stiffens, "she defends everyone, good or bad," she claims before lifting her gaze and latching on so severely to Lena's wide eyes, "but never the way she defends you so adamantly," she whispers like she's revealing Kara's deepest, darkest secret.

"I don't-I-"

Alex holds up her glass in a gesture that urges Lena's mouth to snap shut. The agent rolls her chair a tad closer until she is directly in front of Lena's face and has her undivided attention.

"I was skeptical," she scoffs, "we all were. Constantly urging Kara not to trust you, to keep her guard up and my sister, my stupidly brave-hero of a sister continuously defended you without ever taking a moment to breathe through the situation. She blindly defended you, over and over again," Alex breathlessly confesses, persuading a boulder of emotions to swell in the back of Lena's throat. "And now, I see why. I saw it before, I did, but I was in denial. I see the way you look at her and I see right through you."

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