Chapter Five

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Kara sinks into the back of the booth when the warm goo coats her tongue. She hums, deliciously satisfied and cherishing the moment before she completely swallows.

"That's orgasmic," she blissfully sighs before shoving the fork back in her mouth in hopes there might be some apple cinnamon still left over.

Regina pauses, her coffee cup dangling in front of her mouth while her eyes darken and narrow. Kara flashes a cheeky grin, one that stretches all the way to her ears because this woman is so damn hot when she looks at her like that. She knew Regina Mills was attractive from the moment she laid eyes on her but with each passing day, every meal shared together, every evening sipping wine and talking about the most random topics, she's finding the stern woman even more gorgeous.

"You better not talk like that in front of my son."

"Your ears only," she giggles, earning herself a sly smirk before Regina nods and sips her coffee. "Alright, I need more," she announces, diving right back in to steal some more of Regina's cinnamon apple pancakes, however, the mayor swats her hand away.

"I told you to order some but you were very adamant about your protein this morning after your workout," Regina scolds but Kara just grins, this woman is too gorgeous to be that angry all the time.

"I know, that's because I was starving-" she whines.

"You're always starving," Regina mocks, her plump lips slowly crawling into a smirk.

"I know, I can't help it," she pouts while her fingers sneak across the table, completely abandoning her fork. "I think there's something wrong with me, I'm like a human garbage disposal."

"Hey, I don't know where your fingers have been," Regina complains just as Kara steals a neatly cut pancake topped with an apple slice.

Kara laughs, a full belly laugh as she plops the food into her mouth. "I wash my hands," she mumbles around her food and through her laughter because she knows Regina isn't truly mad.

Her laugh always seems to put the woman in a better mood. In fact, the past few days she feels like all they have been doing is laughing together. Well, Regina doesn't necessarily laugh, it's more smirking and breaths through her nose that reveal she's trying to hold back her laughter. Kara's kind of obsessed with it all.

"Umm, hey," Kara hears through the laughter, persuading her eyes to slide to her right and discover the town's sheriff lingering with her hands on her hips.


"Hello, Swan," Regina purrs, slowly sipping her coffee again.

"Do you want to join us?" Kara hopefully offers, already sliding down the booth and allowing more space but Emma plops down next to Regina instead.

The sheriff is almost as clumsy as she is, accidentally bumping into Regina, nearly spilling her hot coffee. Regina's face doesn't portray how mad she seems to feel. Well, Kara thinks Regina's angry by the sudden increase in heart rate that she is desperately trying to ignore (just another bizarre thing to add to the list since damaging her brain). Regina simply rolls her eyes but doesn't comment on the almost accident.

"So..." Emma trails off, strumming her fingers nervously against the table. "You guys enjoy breakfast here...a lot, huh?" She lamely supplies as conversation, provoking Kara's bottom lip to pout while she tries to navigate through the awkwardness lingering in the air.

"This is a small town," Regina deadpans. "Not many options," she quips. "Kara likes a big meal in the morning after she goes for runs," she explains, inspiring Kara to adjust her glasses to distract herself from the butterflies swarming around her gut. She loves how well this woman knows her already.

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