Chapter Nine

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After the phone call from Supergirl's sister, Kara insisted on going to the town-line and seeing her friends and family. Emma called her mother to inform her on everything that was going on while also asking if she could look after Henry for a little while longer. That didn't really go according to plan because Henry insisted that he tag along and say goodbye to his new favorite hero. While all of this was occurring, Regina transported herself to her vault to retrieve Kara's suit.

Emma was a little disappointed that Kara hid the suit beneath her clothes before they left the mansion. She wanted to see the hero in all her glory and hopefully erase the horrific scene still burned in her head from the first time she laid eyes on the battered hero.

"What's that?" Kara asks when she notices Regina snatching something up as they exit the tiny car Emma crammed them into.

"I'm not sure how this barrier works," Regina begins to explain. "I didn't cast this curse, so this is a scroll to ensure that we will be able to cross the town line again."

"You're coming with us?" Lena suspiciously asks.

"Kara wanted me to meet her sister," Regina shyly replies just as they near the town line.

"Oh my god, there she is. Alex!" Kara excitedly shouts like a puppy coming home for the first time.

"She can't hear you," Henry informs her. "We can see them, but they can't see us."

And then everything happens so fast. Kara dashes across the town line with super speed, barreling into a woman with short auburn hair, which soon enough Emma learns is the sister, Alex. Kara introduces them all to her friends, J'onn, Winn, James but then she falters for a moment, blinking at some bluish-green man that makes Emma jump a little. Lena steps in, introducing the alien named, Brainy, who apparently is from the future and helped track Supergirl down.

It's a little overwhelming. Emma is still shell-shocked every time a new fairytale character pops up out of the blue. No matter how many characters she has met or fought against, her mind still has a hard time accepting this new reality, so aliens and superheroes is another thing she has to train her brain to welcome. Unlike her son who has immediately adapted and gushing over Brainy.

"Thank you so much for healing my sister and taking such good care of her," Alex sighs in relief, her watery eyes bouncing between Emma and Regina. "But we really should be going, Reign is still out there."

"Who is Reign?" Regina very seriously investigates.

"The one who dumped me from the sky and left me to die," Kara bitterly retorts, folding her arms across her chest and producing a scowl that Emma is sure she never wants to be on the receiving end of.

Not even an hour of Kara having her memories back and Emma can see the stern superhero she is so glad she didn't piss off during her idiotic jealously episodes.

"We still aren't sure how to defeat her," J'onn adds on as if he's scared to even divulge this bit of information to Kara.

"I'm not sure how magic works on your Earth," Regina begins, "but I think it would be wise to study your craft on the way back to your planet, Lena."

"Craft?" Winn balks, whipping around comically to face Lena.

"According to these women, I have magic," she answers, very clearly expressing that she doesn't believe it just yet.

"You have magic?" James reiterates in a way that has Kara clenching her biceps even tighter while a crinkle develops between her brows.

Emma is familiar with that look. She smugly smirks to herself, she can already hear the jealousy train coming.

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