Chapter Ten

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Emma opens the door to Granny's, allowing Regina to sashay inside first. For the first time ever, the dinky diner is empty, except for one larger than life presence, stealing Regina's breath away. It's only a red cape and a waterfall of sunshine curls but Regina and Emma appear to be speechless. Then, Supergirl whirls around, her folded arms untangling so she can mount her fists upon her hips in the most intimidating way (if it weren't for the brightest smile shining from her face).

"There you are," Supergirl gleefully breathes, confidently strutting closer to wrap Regina up in a bear hug. "I missed you."

Regina hesitates for a split second but then her arms are moving all on their own, slipping beneath the cape to feel that powerful suit beneath her fingertips. She was expecting something hard, sturdy, not this soft mesh material that's breathable and easy to maneuver in.

"Supergirl," Emma flatly says, inspiring Regina to break apart the lingering hug. "What are you doing here? We just sent you back."

"I know," the hero solemnly answers, crossing her arms across her chest again, showing off those deliciously sculpted biceps.

Emma scoffs to herself. Delicious biceps are her thing, she knows this.

"Where's Lena?" Regina nervously questions when she realizes the hero is alone.

This is when Kara Danvers makes an appearance in the hero; from blushing cheeks, twiddling fingers and a babbling mouth. "Umm, well, she's-she's back on our planet. Look, um, we need your help."

"Anything," Regina reflexively replies, persuading Kara's smile to brighten once again.

"Are you three almost done?" Granny abruptly interrupts, appearing from a swinging door carrying empty coffee pots with Ruby in tow.

"Granny, be nice," Ruby sighs. "Are you guys hungry? We don't open for another twenty minutes but I could whip something up."

"Sorry," Supergirl sheepishly says. "I don't know why I thought this was a twenty-four hours diner. I thought I could come here and wait before I called and woke you up." Sparkling blue eyes drift to Emma in amusement. "Lucky for me you two were together, huh?" She playfully teases.

Emma plants her hands upon her hips, attempting to project her stern sheriff persona but it's freaking Supergirl and nobody is going to intimidate her.

"We are good, Rubes. Now, what can we do for you?" The sheriff unsmilingly investigates.

"Right." Supergirl grows serious, her hands fidgeting to her hips once again. "When we arrived home, a really close friend of ours was waiting for us. She said she had been trying to reach us and she didn't know who to turn to. She explained that she had been experiencing blackouts, moments of the day she couldn't remember and things her daughter claimed that she had said but she couldn't recall."

Supergirl takes a moment to gather her thoughts, visibly expressing how torn up she is by the situation.

"I'm so sorry," Regina whispers, clasping onto a strong elbow and generating a pathetic smile from the hero.

"That's not the worst part," Supergirl scoffs. "Lena and Alex took our friend, Sam, to the labs at L-Corp, which is Lena's company," she rambles and Regina smiles fondly. "They ran every test imaginable and then Lena started piecing things together. Like how Sam's blackouts were occurring when Reign would attack the city. Sam's DNA and genetic makeup completely changes when Reign takes over her body."

"Shit," Emma mutters under her breath.

"Right?" Supergirl enthusiastically agrees, tossing her arms hopelessly into the air before she starts nervously pacing. "And we can't just kill her, she's our friend and we can't lock her up either, she has a daughter."

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