Chapter Eleven

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"We're out of time," Lena calmly states despite the sheer panic rising in her chest.

Regina nods. "I need a needle, we need to inject this directly into her blood. This potion will allow Reign to split from Sam's body. Two completely different bodies."

Lena takes off, heels clicking viciously against the floor, ignoring Alex and Kara's hopeless pleas to call Sam back and bench Reign. Regina removes the black liquid off the burner and swirls the potion around, allowing it to breathe and cool down for just a moment. She hears Lena roughly opening a drawer and digging around before those heels are snapping against the concrete once again.

"She's too strong," Lena nervously informs Regina as she unwraps a fresh needle. "She might break the needle if we try to inject it while Reign is awake."

"Then we need to dampen her powers or make her weak long enough to give her this."

Kara overhears their conversation and dashes to where Lena is holding the potion and Regina is sucking the liquid into a needle.

"Lena," Kara begins, confident and firm, "we need to inject Sam with kryptonite first before we even attempt that potion."

"I know," she sadly responds.

"Lucky for me I have this cool new suit that will protect me," Kara cheerfully says, an exuberant smile lighting up her face.

Lena steps forward, a shaky hand cupping Kara's jaw as she gently places a kiss to her hero's cheek and then she presses a button and that helmet is quickly snapped back into place.

"I need a moment to liquify the kryptonite," Lena explains, scurrying off to some other part of the lab where she has the emerald rock hidden away.

That's the moment all hell breaks loose and despite those glass walls being laced with kryptonite, Reign belts out a banshee scream that shatters every inch of glass around her. Instinctively, Regina shields herself with a vibrant glow of purple while Kara uses her super speed to whisk away Emma and Alex before the shards of glass ever touch them. 

"J'onn," Alex gasps into her earpiece, "we may need some backup here."

"I'll keep her busy," Supergirl says, "Alex help Lena. Regina, Emma, hold onto that potion until we are ready."

With lightening speed, Supergirl takes off, utilizing every muscle made up of steel to ram into Reign. Emma and Regina watch in horror as Reign easily takes the hit and flips Supergirl onto her back.

Emma turns to Regina, determination written all over her face. "Maybe with our magic combined we can at least stun her."

Regina nods, gently placing the needle into a pocket hidden inside of her blazer. It's become routine now, standing side by side as a villain wreaks havoc all around them but never has Emma felt so confident. She always trusted Regina during these moments but knowing she has her heart gifts her all the confidence in the world. With slightly trembling hands, Emma lifts her arms ready to blast, with Regina in sync with her movements.

"They are moving too fast," Emma complains when she realizes she can't get a clear shot of only Reign.

Their eyes are focused, bouncing around the room, following the destruction that follows as Supergirl slams Reign into a wall just to have Reign land a solid fist to Kara's gut.


"We can't run the risk of blasting Supergirl."

In the blink of an eye, Supergirl is hurled across the room, crashing through the wall...maybe through several walls. Regina glances at Emma, nods her approval, and together a burst of red and white flow beautifully from their outstretched hands. The sheer force knocks Reign down, persuading a cocky little smirk to bloom across Regina's face but Emma remains stoic, wielding all her magic into this one blow.

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