Warm Welcome

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Once the plane has finally touched down on the tarmac, the chauffeur is already waiting for Camila and Lauren.

"Mrs. and Mrs. Cabello, I'm glad to see you two arrived back home safely," The chauffeur says.

"Thank you, Alfred," Camila smiles.

Alfred grabs their luggage and loads them into the trunk before closing it as Lauren and Camila climb into the car, Alfred entering the driver's seat right after.

"We need to hurry home Alfred so I can get my things or I will be late for work," Lauren tells the older man.

"I will drive as fast as I can, Mrs. Cabello," Alfred says.

Lauren sits back in her seat as Camila, who was looking through her e-mails, puts her phone down and looks at her wife.

"Is everything alright, mi amor?" Camila rests a hand on Lauren's thigh.

"I just don't want to go to work," Lauren says.

"Then don't. I'm sure the kids will love to have you at home. And I would too," Camila says.

Lauren smiles as she rests her head on Camila's shoulder. "I wish. But I can't. I don't want to pile more of my work onto Ally and Normani," She says.

"You are... The most amazing person in this world," Camila says.

"I think otherwise," Lauren whispers under her breath.

Camila looks at her wife worriedly and confused, obviously hearing what she whispered under her breath but decides not to say anything about it.

Finally, they arrive back home as both girls get out of the car and enter their house.

At the sound of the door opening and closing, Michael and Clara come out from the living room as they embrace their daughter and their daughter-in-law once they see them.

"I'm glad you guys are back home. I hope you two enjoyed yourselves," Mike says, a smirk forming on his lips.

"Dad!" Lauren whines.

"We should leave you guys with your kids now," Clara says.

After grabbing their things and saying goodbye to Lauren and Camila, Clara and Michael leave the house.

"Kids! We're home!" Camila calls out.

"God..." Lauren giggles as she shakes her head.

"I always wanted to say that," Camila says.

Lauren smiles at her wife and kisses her cheek and goes up the stairs right as the kids run down them, almost knocking Lauren off the stairs.

"Mami!" Three of the four kids tackle Camila into a hug.

"Hey!" Camila chuckles.

She wraps her arms around Sofia who is right beside her.

"How did you all behave? We're you good for your grandparents?" Camila asks.

"Perfect. As you will see, the house is still intact," Sofia jokes.

Camila laughs as she kisses Sofia's forehead then the twins' forehead. She looks around and sees that Grace isn't around. "And Grace?" Camila asks.

"She went to classes. Abuela and abuelo gave us breakfast so don't worry about that," Sofia says.

"Good. I'm glad you guys survived without us," Camila smiles.

Lauren leans against the railing as she watches the interaction between her kids and her wife.

Camila looks up and her eyes connect with Lauren as the green-eyed girl bites her lower lip and disappears down the hallway.

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