In The Fire

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"Hi, I'm Camila Cabello, Lauren's wife. Nice to meet you," The brunette says.

She holds her hand out and Zayn straightens up, shaking Camila's hand.

"Nice to meet you, officially, of course," Zayn says.

Camila gets her hand out of Zayn's grip and steps off to the side. "Come on in," The brunette says.

"Thank you," Zayn smiles. He steps inside and holds his hand out to Lauren. "Good evening Dr. Cabello," Zayn says.

Lauren narrows her eyes at him, glad her wife is in a position where she can't see her, and takes Zayn's hand, shaking it.

"Good evening Mr. Malik," Lauren says, letting Zayn's hand go.

Camila closes the front door and walks to be next to her wife, wrapping her arm around her waist. "Everyone is outside. Follow us," Camila says.

Both girls start walking to the backyard door and Zayn follows them as Lauren steals glances back at him.

Once outside, Camila and Lauren step off to the side as Zayn steps out.

"You can help yourself to anything. Meat is getting grilled, any drink you want is in the cooler," Camila says.

"Thank you, Mrs. Cabello, Dr. Cabello," Zayn says. He smiles at the two and walks away.

Camila turns to her wife and takes her hands in hers. "You should keep him company," She says.

Lauren controls her breathing as she looks over at Zayn who is talking with Ally and Normani by the cooler.

"He's fine. I'll rather be with you," Lauren says.

"Come on, let's join in on their conversation," Camila says.

She looks over at the three doctors as Lauren follows her gaze.

"Are you sure you want to join in on a conversation with doctors? You've always felt out of place when around them," Lauren says.

Camila cups her wife's face in her hands as she pecks her lips. "I'm sure," The brunette says.

"Okay," Lauren says.

Camila trails her hands down until she grasps one of Lauren's hands, making the green-eyed girl interlace their fingers.

"Come on," Camila says.

Camila and Lauren walk over to the doctors, who stop their conversation.

Lauren, Ally, and Normani share a look of fear as Camila asks Zayn for a beer and a Piña Colada and he hands her them.

"So what were you guys talking about?" Lauren asks as she takes the Piña Colada her wife handed her.

"Nothing of importance and no offense but I'm convinced maybe Mrs. Cabello won't know what we're even talking about," Zayn says.

Camila looks down, frowning as she takes off the cap of her beer bottle.

Lauren gives Zayn a death stare as she reaches over and takes her wife's hand in hers, squeezing it.

"We can give her a chance. Maybe she does know, after all, she has an amazing pediatrician as a wife," Ally speaks up.

"So what were you guys talking about?" Lauren asks again.

"Just about how things can go wrong with the baby while it's in the womb," Normani says.

"Like what exactly? With me for example, I was exposed to more male hormones in the womb causing my should have been clitoris to turn into a penis instead and for me to grow testicles instead as well," Camila says.

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