Legal Team

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The next day, Camila and Lauren are seated in a conference room, inside Miami's greatest law firm building, McBrewer Law Firm.

Camila is tapping her middle finger impatiently on the long wooden table as they wait for the lawyers.

"Can you fucking stop? You're driving me insane," Lauren finally snaps.

She has been dealing with it since one of the secretaries dropped them off here.

"It's a nervous habit," Camila says.

"I know but you know tapping drives me crazy," Lauren says.

"And despite it, you married me," Camila teases.

"Just a minor imperfection," Lauren says.

Camila chuckles and instead takes one of her wife's hands in her own.

The door opens and four lawyers step in, each taking a seat on one of the empty chairs.

"Sorry for making you wait, Eli McBrewer wanted to speak with us," A dirty blonde hair man speaks.

He looks young, probably ten years younger than the married couple.

"So we want you two to tell us absolutely everything. We need the full story of your daughter," A brunette woman speaks.

She looks around the same age as the married couple.

"We will comply," Camila speaks.

"How old are you two?" A gray-haired man speaks.

Now he looks about twenty years older than the married couple.

"I'm thirty-five. My wife is thirty-six," Camila speaks.

"How old is your daughter? Grace, correct?" A dark-skinned bald man speaks.

He also looks around the same age as the married couple.

"She's nineteen," Camila answers.

"I got pregnant in freshman year of high school and had her when I was in sophomore year," Lauren says.

"Sorry for the rudeness. I just realized we did not introduce ourselves," The dirty blonde-haired man speaks. He sets his iPad down and fixes the reading glasses on his face. "My name is Carlton McBrewer. My dad is the main man here," He introduces.

"You're young for a lawyer," Camila says.

"Yes, I'm twenty-five," Carlton says.

"But one of the best lawyers in McBrewer Law Firm and I'm not just saying that because he's the son of the big man. My name is Rochelle Ortega," The brunette woman speaks.

"Jake Johnson," The grey-haired man introduces himself.

"Dante Flores," The dark-skinned bald man introduces himself next.

"Nice to meet you all," Camila says.

"I was so glad you guys are considering taking our daughter's case," Lauren says.

"I'm truly interested in it. Although my father did not want me to. He said there are bigger cases that I can take," Carlton speaks.

"Convincing the judge that your daughter is mentally ill, which is the reason she killed Shawn Mendes and Taylor Jauregui, it can be done but it will be hard," Rochelle speaks.

"Why?" Camila asks.

"If medical examiners do not see a mental illness she will be sent to jail," Dante says.

"Well, I'm a pediatrician myself. And I have friends in the same medical field," Lauren leans forward in her seat.

"Please, Mrs. Cabello, we need you to set emotions to the side," Jake speaks.

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