Shocking Discovery

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After picking up Sofia and the twins from school, they make their way back home to see that Grace is there with Ariana, sitting on the couch as everyone greets the two.

"How did you get in?" Camila asks.

"My keys of course," Grace says.

"I thought you left them here," Lauren says.

"I did but I picked them up a week ago when we were here," Grace says.

"Does it mean you're coming back home?" A smile forms on Camila's lips.

"Yeah," Grace smiles.

Lauren walks over and helps her daughter up as she pulls her into a hug. "I'm glad to have you back home, hija," She rubs her back.

"I'm glad to be back too. If I'm being honest, I think all that fast food is catching up to me," Grace chuckles.

Both parents laugh and when Lauren pulls away, Camila steps up and grabs both of Grace's hands. 

"Welcome home, mija. Can I still call you that?" Camila raises an eyebrow.

"Yes," Grace smiles.

Camila smiles and pulls the 19-year old into a hug as the brunette opens her arms inviting the rest of her family into the hug.

Lauren enters the hug followed by the twins and Sofia as they embrace each other tightly.

"Finally! This house was getting sad and empty," Sofia says.

The rest laugh as they pull away and turn towards Ariana who is looking on with a smile on her face.

"Oh. Sorry babe. We forget you were there," Grace says.

"It's fine. I'm glad to see that you are back with your family, you were starting to get down," Ariana rubs Grace's back.

"Thank you for supporting me," Grace says. She leans down and kisses Ariana on the cheek.

"Well, how about you five stay down here, and Lauren and I are going upstairs," Camila says.

"To?" Sofia wiggles her eyebrows.

"None of your concern, Sof," Camila ruffles her hair.

Camila takes her wife's hand in hers and the two go upstairs as the five kids go to the movie room.

Upstairs, the brunette closes her and Lauren's bedroom door as she turns to face her wife.

"Have you heard from Zayn?" Camila asks.

"Not since he texted me that day," Lauren says.

"Work?" Camila asks.

"Nope," Lauren shakes her head, moving and sitting down on the bed.

"So I was thinking," Camila walks over and sits down next to her wife.

"About?" Lauren asks.

"When the bump starts to show, I want you to stop working," Camila says.

"That's fair. You had me do that when I was pregnant with the twins," Lauren says.

"You need plenty of rest and not having to worry about work," Camila says.

"I love it when you're concerned," Lauren smiles.

Camila returns her smiles and they both fall silent as they stare down at their laps.

"Hey, you know what you haven't done yet?" Lauren speaks up.

"What?" Camila turns to stare at her wife.

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