Downpour Before The Storm

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Lauren stares at her mother eyed wide, wanting to say something to deny it but no words come out.

"It's true, isn't it?" Clara asks.

Lauren looks down at the island counter, not being able to look into her mother's eyes because it is true, she can't fool her mother and she knows that her mother can tell if Lauren is lying just through her behavior.

"Why do I have to tell you if... You know," Lauren says.

"You won't even try to deny it?" Clara asks.

Lauren turns around, opens a drawer, and grabs a glass to then fill it with tap water. The green-eyed girl drinks the water as she sets the glass on the counter. "Because it's true, mami," Lauren says.

Michael just stands there, not knowing what to say as he stares back and forth between his wife and his daughter. "This is going to blow up in your face, hija," Mike finally speaks.

"It already did, papi," Lauren frowns.

"What do you mean?" Clara asks.

"I... Fucking hell... I'm pregnant," Lauren mumbles.

She was hoping her parents didn't hear but since she has so much bad luck, they did.

"If Camila finds out, Lauren, te va pedir el divorcio," Mike says. (She will ask you for a divorce)

"Ni siquiera me digas, papi," Lauren shakes her head. (Don't even tell me)

"No tendría que decirte si supieras dónde estába tu cabeza!" Mike raises his voice. (I wouldn't have to tell you if you knew where your head was)

"¡Baja la voz!" Lauren says. (Lower your voice)

"¡Basta! Ustedes dos," Clara cuts it. (Enough! You two)

Both Lauren and her father bite their tongues as Clara walks out of the kitchen to check outside before coming back in.

"No one heard. But your father is correct, Lauren. Camila es una buena esposa ¿Por qué la engañaste?" Clara asks. (Camila is a good wife, why did you cheat on her?)

Lauren sighs as she begins to explain to her parents her motives.

"Eres pinche estupida, Lauren," Mike says. (You're fucking stupid)

"Michael! Don't talk to our daughter like that," Clara says firmly.

"No, mami. Mi pa tiene razón, yo soy," Lauren says. (My dad is right, I am)

"We should support you, your our daughter. You shouldn't worry about divorce, Camila won't do that to the kids. But I'm afraid we won't be able to say the same for your relationship and the trust within it," Clara says.

"I... I know," Lauren frowns.

"Let's go back outside before Camila starts looking for us," Clara says.

She walks around the island and grips her daughter's arm softly and starts leading her outside with Michael right behind them.

Once Lauren steps outside, she looks around to see her four kids, Ariana, Ally, Liam, Dinah, Zayn, Chris, and Normani splashing in the pool, the green-eyed girl convinced her friend heard her and her parents arguing in the kitchen on her way back out after taking long in the restroom.

"Suegro, can you take over?" Camila says once she sees them. (Father in law)

"Of course," Mike says.

He looks at his daughter then takes his wife's hand and they walk over to the grill while Camila walks over to her wife.

"Everything okay?" Camila asks.

"Yeah," Lauren nods slowly, looking down at the ground.

Camila just stares at her wife before reaching over and taking her hands in hers, making the green-eyed girl lift her gaze.

"Lauren," Camila says.

"Camila... I..." Lauren swallows hard.

"You?" Camila raises an eyebrow.

Lauren bites her lower lip as she turns around and walks back into the house, running a hand through her hair.

"Lauren," Camila follows after her wife.

The green-eyed girl turns around to face her wife. "I'm fine, Camila, go back and I'll be outside in a bit," Lauren says.

Lauren sees the worry in her wife's eyes and she steps closer, leaning down slightly to plant a kiss on Camila's cheek. "I'm fine, trust me," Lauren rests her cheek against her wife's.

Camila brings her hand up and runs it through Lauren's hair. "Okay," Camila says.

Lauren pulls away from her wife and walks upstairs as Camila walks back outside.

The brunette walks over to the cooler, letting out a deep sigh as she opens it and grabs another beer bottle. Camila opens the cap and closes the cooler as she downs a good amount of beer.

"Are you having problems again?"

Camila swallows the burning liquid as she clears her throat, looking at her two arriving best friends.

"No," Camila says.

"Don't look like it," Liam says.

"Lauren's acting weird again and I'm worried because every time that happens something might or is about to go down," Camila says.

"Go check on her," Dinah says.

Camila nods and downs the rest of her drink, handing the empty bottle to Liam. "I'll be back," Camila says. She tells Michael and Clara that she will be back before going inside the house.

The brunette jogs up the stairs and in the hall, she sees that she and Lauren's bedroom door is opened a crack and through it, she hears faint throwing up noises.

Camila softly opens the door wider to see that the bathroom door is closed, the throwing up noises coming from there but the papers on the bed caught her attention.

Camila looks over at the closed bathroom door, knowing her wife is in there but she walks over to the bed. Camila picks up the paper on top of the stack and reads its contents as her other hand balls up into a fist, her knuckles turning white.

She hears the toilet flush, the faucet run before it turns off, and then hears the bathroom door open.

Camila turns towards the bathroom to see her wife come out as the brunette holds up the piece of paper for Lauren to see.

"Your pregnant?" Camila asks, swallowing down the urge to raise her voice.

Lauren freezes at the bathroom doorway as her eyes widen, letting the towel she has in her hands drop to the floor when she sees the paper in her wife's hand.

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