A Disturbing Obsession

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"Camila... You don't think Grace sent that threat note, did you?" Lauren asks.

The two girls have gone upstairs and are laying in bed, in the comfort of each other's arms.

"I don't know, Lauren... She wouldn't threaten to kill you, would she?" Camila speaks softly.

"I don't want to think so but..." Lauren trails off.

"She won't do anything to you," Camila sits up.

"How can you be so sure?" Lauren asks.

"I feel it in me that she won't. I know our daughter," Camila says.

"She already killed Shawn..." Lauren sits up straight.

"Lauren... I would rather have her kill me before she kills you. I will keep saying this... I promise I will not let anything happen to you. I won't let death do us part, not yet," Camila says.

"You have such a way of comforting me," Lauren smiles.

"Come here, mi amor," Camila says.

Lauren enters her wife's arms again as the brunette connects their lips.

The green-eyed girl cups Camila's face in her hands as she rolls on top of the brunette.

Camila laughs and flips them over so she's now on top. "I love it when you get your rare times of taking over but, I love being the top," She whispers.

"Then do it, we're alone," Lauren says.

Camila shakes her head and stands up. "Not right now," She says.

"Then what do you want to do?" Lauren asks.

"I have a crazed secret admirer and I want to be confirmed if it is or isn't Grace," Camila says.

"So..." Lauren trails off.

"I'm going to search her room," Camila says.

"Let me come with you. I want to be reassured too," Lauren stands up.

Both girls walk down the hall into Grace's room as Lauren switches the light on since she was the last to enter.

"She had a picture of you on her phone when she was..." Lauren trails off, pointing at the bed.

Camila walks over and rummages through the nightstand drawers. "Nothing in here," She says.

"Let's keep searching," Lauren says.

Both girls search for a while and when they find nothing, Lauren crashes onto the bed and Camila onto the desk chair.

"It feels like our life has become into a sick movie," Lauren says.

"Yeah..." Camila speaks softly.

The brunette fiddles with the handle of one of the drawers and gently pulls on it to see that it won't slide open.

"Lauren," Camila says.

The green-eyed girl gets off the bed and walks over, pulling on the drawer.

"Why is this locked?" Lauren asks.

"I have no clue but let me find some tools," Camila says.

The brunette rushes out of the room and after a few minutes, comes back in with a small box that has lock-picking tools inside.

"Oh God, why do you have those?" Lauren chuckles softly.

"You know my dad taught me how to pick certain locks," Camila says.

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