Karaoke Bar

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Unknown Person's POV

It's nighttime as I park my car and turn off all the lights as I look out the window, across the street to the house.

I see headlights appear in front of me as I pull my seat down, hoping that the driver didn't see me as the car pulls into the massive driveway of the house across the street.

I watch as Camila gets out and walks to the front door as she stands there for a while before the door opens and Camila enters as I catch a glimpse of a man closing the door.

"Mhmm... So this is where your staying," I said.

I pull my phone out and see there's a message displayed on the lock screen.

"I'm already at the karaoke bar," I read the message. I put my phone down on the cup holder, taking one last glance at the house before I turn the car on and drive away.

Third Person POV

"So? Should we go to that karaoke bar?" Camila looks at Liam.

"Have you told Dinah?" Liam asks.

"Yeah I did but she says she has some things to do so she won't be able to come," Camila says.

"She's still gonna murder us if we go," Liam chuckles.

"She said she won't. Well, she didn't promise but she said she'll try not to," Camila smiles.

Liam laughs as he nods. "Okay, I'm in. Let me just go get ready," He says.

"Okay, I'm gonna get ready to," Camila says.

About an hour later, both best friends have dressed in their best outwear as they both walk outside to Liam's parked car.

The boy gets in the driver's side and Camila gets in the passenger side as Liam starts the car up.

He pulls out before he starts to drive through the streets as soft music plays in the background from the radio that's on low volume.

"So... You went back home to get some clothes and ran into Lauren?" Liam takes a glance at the brunette beside him.

"Yup," Camila says, popping the p.

"What happened?" Liam asks.

Camila sighs as she begins to explain to Liam everything Lauren told her and when she's done, the brunette glances at her best friend who is quiet, keeping his attention on the road.

"You're not gonna say anything?" Camila asks.

"Just... You didn't tell her did you?" Liam asks.

"About?" Camila raises an eyebrow.

"That you know about everything she went through in high school," Liam says.

"No. I can talk to her about that... Later," Camila says.

"Will there be a later? I mean, are you gonna divorce her or are you going back?" Liam asks.

Camila sighs as she leans her head back against the car seat. "I don't know. I don't want to because I love her. She was the only woman in my life. She's the mother of my kids, which I suppose now are only the... Twins. I hope. Anyway, I just wanna enjoy tonight, okay?" Camila says.

"I hope you don't enjoy yourself a little too much at the bar part of the karaoke bar as you did at my home bar," Liam jokes.

Camila laughs as she looks out the window. "I'll try not to," She says.

"At least they can cut you off there even if I did try to," Liam says.

Finally, about a thirty-minute drive later, Liam pulls up into the parking lot of the karaoke bar and parks his car in the first parking spot he can find.

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