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Warning! ⚠️ If you don't like reading anal sex you can skip it, I will post a warning in the middle of the story and I will also put a notice when it ends


That Saturday...

"Alright! That's everything," Camila says.

"Yeah! Can we help you?" Sofia asks.

"Please!" The twins pout up at her mother.

Camila laughs as she ruffles Sofia's hair then the twins' hair.

"At a grill? Close to a fire? No way," Camila says.

"Then what can we do?" Sofia asks.

"Play around, sip on kool-aid. Go be kids," Camila says.

"Can we go in the pool?" Sofia asks.

"Yeah, just don't drown. Joseph, Cole, don't go too deep, holler if you need me," Camila says.

"Come on twins, let's put on our swimwear," Sofia says.

The three of them go off and run back into the house as Lauren comes outside and walks over to her wife.

"Those three need a dog," Lauren says. She dips her head down slightly and kisses her wife before pulling away.

"I'll consider it. To be honest, I have kinda wanted one for a long while but I didn't know what you will say," Camila says.

"Don't make me sound like a dog hater," Lauren says.

Camila turns back to the grill as Lauren massages her shoulder.

"Do you think Grace will bring that girl?" Lauren asks.

"I don't know. I hope," Camila says.

Sofia and the twins run back out in their swimwear, saying hey to their mothers, before running past them and over to the pool as Sofia jumps in and the twins go down the steps.

"I permitted them to splash around for a bit," Camila says.

"It's hot outside and it's a barbecue, I might splash around myself," Lauren says.

Camila turns to face her wife again as she kisses her lips hungrily. "I wanna splash around in your orgasm," Camila mumbles.

Lauren presses her center against Camila's crotch so she can feel her erection.

"You are so hard," Lauren whispers.

"Care helping me?" Camila raises an eyebrow.

"What if the guests arrive?" Lauren asks.

Camila takes out her phone and checks the time, holding it up to her wife. "We still have a few minutes," Camila says.

Lauren grabs her wife's phone and places it in her back pocket. "Let's go," Lauren says.

"Sofia!" Camila raises her voice, turning to face the pool.

"Yeah?!" Sofia yells from the pool.

"You're in charge of your brothers. Your mother and I are going to have a moment to ourselves," Camila says.

"Oh... Okay!" Sofia says.

Camila turns back to her wife and takes her hand, leading her inside.

They go into the only room that has soundproof walls, which is the movie room, as they enter, locking the door behind them.

"Come here," Camila says.

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