Heir to the Empire

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Reports started to reach the New Republic of a Grand Admiral commanding the Imperial fleet. This man was Mitth'raw'nuruodo, a Chiss better known by his core name, Thrawn. Returning from the Unknown Regions, Thrawn had now taken control of the Galactic Empire, and started a new campaign against the New Republic. Raising his flag on the Star Destroyer Chimaera, Thrawn took the popular and respected Captain Gilad Pellaeon as his second-in-command.

The force truly available to Thrawn consisted only of a few dozen Star Destroyers still remaining in Death Squadron after the defeat at Endor and most of it's crew disappearance which he split into two fleets: a fleet of six Star Destroyers led by the Chimaera under his personal command, and a second force of six ships led by Captain Dorja aboard the Relentless.

Thrawn's plan to defeat the New Republic needed three things: the locations of which were provided by a raid on the library world of Obroa-skai. The raid gave Thrawn the location of Wayland, a trophy planet for Palpatine. Arriving on Wayland after a side trip to Myrkr, Thrawn was confronted by Joruus C'baoth, a clone of the Jedi Master Jorus C'baoth. Protected by Force-blocking ysalamiri taken from Myrkyr, Thrawn persuaded C'baoth to help him by promising C'baoth the Force-sensitive Skywalker twins, along with Leia's soon-to-be-born twins by her and her husband: Han Solo.

 Protected by Force-blocking ysalamiri taken from Myrkyr, Thrawn persuaded C'baoth to help him by promising C'baoth the Force-sensitive Skywalker twins, along with Leia's soon-to-be-born twins by her and her husband: Han Solo

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