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Silver Squadron was taking the fight to the Empire like they never had before in the previous years. There were several prominent ships in Silver Squadron that have been both upgraded and gathered up since the Battle of Yavin. Considering that Silver Squadron also has more advanced droids, fighters, and vehicles on their Ships: that makes the legendary Silver Squadron of the Confederacy of Independent Systems or CIS even more lethal than ever. The Empire was in massive shock to see the Separatists still active after the Clone War.
Joseph's ultimate weapon known as the Sinistar is a great, giant powerhouse of a vessel that no one has ever seen before in the galaxy. Possibly greater than the ancient Star Forge itself. It has a massive amount of Fighter, Corvette, and Small transport Space, it has a massive amount of different weapons. It has everything anyone will need to Survive in the galaxy. Moreover, the ship has a massive crew to push the Sinistar to be at full combat effectiveness at all times.
The Sinistar was a huge and monstrous project that the five-star Grand General of the Separatists Joseph Kirkpatrick planned and built during his time fighting the Meterax. How Joseph's Ship works is that he programmed some Republic Ships, the Sinistar, and even Silver Squadron to have a kill switch of sorts. If the cloaking device that was installed is removed, the ship will never be able to be used ever again. It's meant to be a fail safe to protect the ship from scavengers, looters and the like.
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