7 - No Control

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- Jeongin's POV - 

I woke up at 1 AM to find Changbin hyung missing from our dorm. It wasn't until 3 AM when he came back with a sobbing Lixxie hyung and a tired Channie hyung.

- "Felix hyung? What happened?" I asked, full of sympathy.

- "Nothing, everything's fine Innie." he said between sobs, as he gave me a light smile.

-" Every thing is alright Innie, Felix is just stressed out and needs sleep." Channie hyung said as he comforted Felix hyung.

-" Okay, if you say so. Goodnight hyungs." I said as I went back to bed.

- "Good night Innie." said my hyungs.

I skipped my way into bed and pulled the covers on. As I was about to drift into dream land, Changbin hyung asked me something.

- "Innie do you need me to tuck you into bed??" he asked.

- "Hyungggggggggggggggg I'm in collegee" I sulked.

When will I ever be treated like an adult?

- Felix's POV - 

My heart was broken. Even though Hyunjin wqas a vampire it didn't make him a monster. What bad could he have ever done? How could I let him lay down on the cold marble floor of our dorm alone? He was dying. He is dying. My thoughts raced with thoughts as I fell asleep on Changbin's couch. Chan had gone back to his dorm, and Changbin and Jeongin had already fallen asleep. Maybe.....maybe I could sneak back into my dorm.

I got up from the couch and swiftly opened the door, not making a single sound. As I closed the door I raced to my dorm and opened the door, revealing a cold and shivering image of Hyunjin.

- "Hyunjin?" I whispered, as his head turned towards me.

My eyes started to fill up as I bent down and embraced him. Vampire or not I loved him. 

I pulled away from the embrace and caressed his soft hair.

- "How do you feel?" I asked him, softly.

- "I feel better, thank you for coming back to me." he said, softly.

- "I would never leave on of my friends." I said softly, as I gave him a smile.

I helped him get up and embraced him one more time.

- "You should go Felix, your friends are going to be worried if they see that you're not where you're supposed to be." he said, as he softly pulled away.

- "I doubt it, it's not like they're awake grabbing a glass of water." I said, how funny would that be.

- Meanwhile - 

- Changbin's POV - 

I got up from bed as I needed a glass of water. I usually walk really loudly to annoy Innie for fun but since Felix was here I walked softly instead. It was very quiet, or even a little but TOO quiet. Usually Felix would wake up to a door opening, but I didn't hear or see anything move when I opened my door. Poor boy must have been tired.

As I went back with my glass of water I couldn't find Felix. Crud.

I dashed to Innie's room and woke him up.

- "Innie Innie Innie Innie Innie Innieeeeeeeee wake up." I said as I pouted.

- "Hyung 5 more minutes~" he whined.

How cute.

- "Innie as much as I would love to give you 5 more minutes I need you to help me with something really important." I said.

- "Like what?" He replied as he cutely yawned.

- Back to Felix and Hyunjin - 

- Felix's POV - 

There was awkward silence. Nothing but awkward silence.

- "You know now, dont you?" he said, not looking at me.

- "Yes, but it doesn't change anything. Just because you're a vampire, it doesn't make you a monster." I said, softly.

He looked up and smiled at me.

- "You're the only person who thinks that. Thank you~" He said, as he embraced me.

I felt safe in his embrace. The way his strong arms were secure. But it also felt good, the way my hands would sometimes touch the tips of his hair. Or how he would lightly nuzzle me. I never wanted to get out of it, and so we didn't.














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