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@darkkskye okay but you can't blame me for being obsessed with this picture niki tookview 10,474 comments below→@nihaachu that's my favorite picture of you two      →@darkkskye bro same→@georgenotfound cute but

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@darkkskye okay but you can't blame me for being obsessed with this picture niki took
view 10,474 comments below
@nihaachu that's my favorite picture of you two
@darkkskye bro same
@georgenotfound cute but...

@darkkskye okay but you can't blame me for being obsessed with this picture niki tookview 10,474 comments below→@nihaachu that's my favorite picture of you two      →@darkkskye bro same→@georgenotfound cute but

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@darkkskye george nooo they can't know we
ended up falling
@georgenotfound quackity you're literally shorter than me

skye giggles at her phone, george notices and looks at what she was laughing at. it was the comments. skye looks up at him and smiles, george couldn't help but smile back.

"he's only shorter than you by like an inch." skye says.
"shut up." george says jokingly.

skye and george cuddle up in her bed, watching some christmas movies. its around that time again. christmas was her favorite holiday, other than halloween.

skye's phone buzzes and she sees a message from quackity. she sighs and picks up her phone. she liked the movie they were watching so it made her sad she couldn't watch with george.


big q
hey we're streaming lore in 30 minutes, we need to get ready remember?

okay i'm getting on now

skye notices george looking over at the messages. he frowns and takes her phone, setting it back down on her nightstand. he wraps his arms around her and holds her close.

"does that mean i have to leave to my place and get on too?" george asks.
"yes, but you can come over right after." skye replies.
"or... you could come over. you've only came over twice, it would be nice to have your positive energy in my apartment."
"okay. i'll come over."

george smiles proudly and kisses her before he leaves out the door. skye gets on her server and sees niki and quackity on there already. dream, george, wilbur, sapnap, and tommy get onto the server around 15 minutes after she does.

• • •

the lore was great. there was another cliffhanger about tubbo and ranboo joining. they all talked for a little after the lore and she loved ranboo. he seemed so cool.

ranboo wasn't streaming during the lore because he invited skye, tubbo, and tommy to a stream he was doing later that day. george knew that so he understood when skye said she couldn't come over until later.

skye drove over to ranboo's place, nervously excited. if that even made sense. she parked her car and walked up to the house, hesitating to knock on the door.

thankfully, she didn't have to. the door swung open and ranboo stood there smiling at her. she sighed in relief, walking up to him and hugging him. ranboo hugged her back and let her inside the house.

skye turned a corner to see tubbo and tommy sitting on the couch. tommy notices her and excitedly runs up to her to give her a hug.

"hi, tommy." skye laughs.
"you're here! i can't believe you're here!" tommy yells back in response.
"why's that? you invited me." skye asks with confusion plastered onto her face.
"we thought you would get too scared and go over to george's or something like that." ranboo answers while sitting down next to tubbo on the couch.
"well, im here. and im not leaving." skye sits down with tommy onto the couch.

they streamed about baking some cookies, which they all were shit at. tommy kept trying to eat the cookie dough while ranboo kept trying to add m&m's to the dough. tubbo and skye were just goofing off with it all.

when they were done, they all did a taste test. skye takes a bite out of her cookie first. she hated it, it tasted like ass but she acted like it was the best thing she have ever had so that the boys would be shocked by the truth.

tubbo and tommy took a bite at the same time, chewing it slowly. ranboo took a bite right as they both started coughing and gagging. ranboo spit it out before he could actually taste it.

tubbo has some water and calmed down. tommy had two glasses of water but was still being over dramatic about the cookies. skye just laughed with amusement.

they eventually ended the stream and hung out for a while. skye was actually having fun, surprised that minors could be fun. but then her phone buzzes and she checks her messages.


you still coming over?

oh shit
yeah i'm leaving rn

you don't have to i was just making sure

i'm at my car already so it's fine

skye said her goodbyes and started her drive to george's house. a text message popped up onto her phone. it was from george.

skye reached for her phone, letting go of the wheel for one second. the car started to drift into the other lane a little bit.

skye notices and grabs the wheel just in time. a car almost hit her. she had no care in the world. she just wanted to see what george was saying.


what do u wanna do when u get here?

skye begins typing, letting go of the wheel again. the car drifts into the other lane again. skye was still typing. she looks up for a second to see a car right in front of her.

skye grabs the wheel and turns it quickly, it was no use though. the car hits the side of her and knocks her car over.

her car starts to roll a couple times, causing skye to hit her head and get knocked out. but finally it lands upside down. skye still unconscious.

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