Bring Myself To You. 3

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The class started, But Lisa couldn't remove her eyes on the latter. She thinks that the eyes of that girl was just so familiar but she couldn't point out..

She carry her chair slowly not wanting to get caught by the professor, She doesn't even know what shes doing all she want is to be with the latter closely..

"What do you want??" Jennie said as she noticed that Lisa was on her left side smiling at her..

"Nahh! Just want to look at you" she responded her hands slipped on the back of jennie's chair, And lean alittle so she could smell the strawberry scent that jennie wore..

"You smell sweet tho" Lisa said that makes jennie look at her, They looked at each others eyes but it was interrupted by the loud call out from the professor..

"You two!? why are you sitting beside each other?" the professor asked. all their classmates looked at them too.

"She asked me sir, She also asked for my number i think she wants to date me" lisa said and smirked at jennie..

"The fuckkkkk!! How could i even want to date such annoying face you have, If you tryna be cool please don't do it. It doesn't suit youu. ghadddddd crazyyy woman" Jennie said getting her bag ready to leave the classroom.

"where are you going ms kim?"

"Im out, That girl is a total jerk and arrogant" She replied but she suddenly stops when the professor says

"Grades drop, Comeback in the next semester Ms Jennie Kim"

"Sir You know that im Just kidding right, And i know youre hungry so i just want to get you a delicious burger" jennie move near besides the professor giving him a baby smile.. and all of her classmates laughed at her silliness

"go back to your seat" Jennie gladly obliged and make a "Im going to kill you" sign to lisa, and it didn't leave Lisa's chaotic laughed..

"Since you two, barking like a dog and cat. Why not explain to me about the importance of plastic surgery" Sir viento asked, The students are waiting for them to walk in front but lisa didn't react instead she looked pissed.

Lisa thinks it could ruin her peace if she ever heard someone talking about plastic surgery.. Jennie sighed and was left no choice and just walked in front facing her classmates.

"Plastic surgery also known as Beauty Enhancements, It is a modern way to help you to be a better version of yourself, better than yesterday.. If doing surgery for enhancing their faces makes them feel happy and contented then let them be, It is important for us to know that there's always a way to find something to makes us feel worth it and deserves to love.. That's all sir"
Jennie said bowing to her classmates..

"So you're telling me that those people or Women who doesn't have that pretty face like yours doesn't worth to love to? that they must need to undergo plastic surgery to receive and feel that they deserve beautiful things in life? is that what you mean?" Lisa asked walking slowly to where jennie standing..

The classroom became silent and the professor kinda love what is happening to the two, so they remain silent waiting for jennie to response..

" If that's what you think then it's not my problem anymore, What im trying to say is that Beauty enhancement is to give a person a second chance to be on the spotlight, To regain confidence.." Jennie response, She could not look at the latter eyes, it is just so tempting and it made her think dirty things on her head..

" Regain confidence? or to make people love them? a person who'd choice to do that thing are desperate for  everyones attention, They want to get praised they want people to adore them.. Beauty enhancement is not important what important is the people who'll going to stay regardlessly of what you look like.. Plastic surgery only gives people a self-doubt, Beauty comes from within, Originality Will always be the best thing that you could ever flex to people" Lisa responded, Forcing herself not to get mad.  She thinks that this short girl infront of her is really a pain in the ass.

"You would never understand what those people been through, they're doing it for theirselves and not for anyone out there. You only said those because you've never been in their shoe, Stop invalidating people. let them choice what they want to do. If you think its Desperation then think as long as you can, But they didn't do that so that people would validate them and put them on the list of most beautiful woman.. "
Jennie turns emotional that makes her classmates worried..

" Why so pressed? are you one of them? Woaahh! you are one of them rightt?? Tsk how much is your face then" Lisa said sarcastically, Her ears turns red as if wanting to kill someone.. She was looking at jennie's teary eyes.

Before the professor could stop the intensed Debate, Jennie's hand was already landing on Lisa's cheek. It was a loud and heavy Slapped that makes all people in the room flinched and shocked..

"Who are you??!! For as long as i know people here used to respect me, It's not your business if i ever have or didn't do it.. But the fact you invalidate those people feeling down makes me think that you are a heartless person." Jennie exclaimed, She faced her professor and her classmates wiping her tears." Alright sir, Would you mind if i go out now. Im so done with this already"

She went out, Having hard to breath. It was suffocating her.  She keeps pressing her chest using her palm. She doesn't care about people looking at her..

She went to her cousins club and just drown herself with alcohol, She didn't know that Lisa was following her the whole time.


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