Izuku's quirks infos

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Hey there! I am writing this chapter to basically summarize what quirks Izuku has and what he can do with them, as there will be a fight scene soon.

---- Quirks: ----


|||| First: ||||

Name: All for One 

(Officially known in reports as Borrower, described as a quirk that can take for a limited amount of time another quirk and incapacitate the subject from using it)

Drawbacks: none

Description: All for One  is a stacker quirk that can take a quirk for an unlimited amount of time and use it as its own. This also grants the ability to give one of the quirks that stacked to someone.



Can regenerate every part of the body, including organs. The drawback is that it consumes a lot of stamina.

-Super Strenght

Strenght enchanter, multiplies the user strenght up to x1000.

-Shock absorption

Absord any kind of hit, and releases it in a gust of wind. (Like when all might was against the nomu)


|||| Second: ||||

Name: Telekinesis

Drawbacks: Can cause severe headache if used too much. If one of his most powerful abilities it is used for long periods of time it can even cause brain death.

Description: Telekinesis has many uses. The most basic one is to levitate objects, and be able to throw them. But if mastered, it can even reach the ability to disintegrate objects or people. [many op powers will be showed later in the story].

(Izuku will point his fingers at something/someone to make his moves work.).

Moves (I mostly took inspiration by a telekinesis wiki):


Basic one, ability to make objects levitate.


Throw levitating objects.


Attract something or someone to your location, the speed of it depends on his weight and your mastery.


Ability to keep something/someone from moving.

For now these are the ones that Izuku learnt. They are the basic ones, there will be more once he masters more his quirk. (He will be more OP later)


Welp that was it, I'll make sure to update this chapter when he gets a quirk (I will write it at the end of the chapter when I update this one), so make sure to keep an eye out from time to time!

See ya tomorrow with the next chapter!

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