Chapter 1- The wardrobe

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"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."― Oscar Wilde

"Edmund Get Away from there! What do you think you're Doing?!" Alexander heard his mother shout. "Peter!" Edmund shouts at his older brother as he is dragged away. "Come on! To the shelter, now!" The eldest, Alexander orders. Susan grabs things from next to her bed with a flashlight, notices Lucy in bed "Lucy, come on! Lucy!"

The Pevensies are running to the shelter, "Hurry up! and RUN!." Alex shouts to them all Edmund turns around, as if forgetting something. "Wait, dad!" Alex hears Edmund shout. Edmund runs inside, grabs picture before he and alex both get blown against the wall "Come on idiot." Alex throws Edmund onto the ground and starts shouting His normally green eyes appeared darker than usual due to his obvious anger his light brown hair sticking up at odd angles.

 "Why would you do that? Why can't you ever do as you're told!" Alex slams the shelter door he didnt like yelling at Edmund but he had to know how dangerous it was and the boy realized after alex who never yells shouted.


Announcer shouts "Attention, would all parents ensure that their children have the appropriate identification papers." Mrs. Pevensie turns to Lucy "Are you warm enough? Now honey you have to keep this on you. Be sure and keep this on." "If Dad were here, the war would be over, and we wouldn't have to go" Edmund says with an angry expression. "If dad wasn't fighting and the war was over, we wouldn't have to Go." Peter snarls, earning a whack from the older boy.

"You will listen to your brothers, won't you Edmund?" Their mum asks pulling the boy into a hug. Mrs. Pevensie turns to Alex "Look after the others, make sure Peter and Edmund don't kill each other." Alex feels the tears threatening to fall "I will mum."

Alex was genuinely upset that he was having to leave his mother he had always been close to her especially due to his father not treating Alex like he did the other kids who were treated with love Alex's father had found out that Alex was Gay after he saw Alex and another boy getting close when he was younger no one else had ever found out but after that day his father no longer treated the boy the same he would throw slurs his way shove him or sometimes even go as far as slapping him no one ever saw his father do this it never got to serious so Alec had no reason to tell someone. 

"You be a big girl now Susan, there now... off you go." their mum tells the girl while pulling away from the hug.

"Come on, we've got to stay together now. Everything's going to be okay" Alex reassures the youngest who sits in his arms. 

"Peter!" Susan Snatches the papers off of the blonde boy after he got distracted not giving the ticket lady their tickets. "I know how to get on a train," Edmund grumbles at Susan.

"Bye Mum, we'll miss you!" Alex shouts out of the window the others joining in shouting goodbyes. "Good-Bye my darlings"

The sibling stood in the middle of nowhere Lucy sitting in Alex's arms and Edmund stood close to the older boy. "The Professor knew we were coming?" Susan asks. "Perhaps we've been incorrectly labeled?" Edmund suggests. "Mrs. Macready?" Peter Asks a woman. "I'm afraid so. Is that it then? Haven't you brought anything else?" Alex shakes his head and holds out his free hand to the woman who shakes it "No, ma'am. It's just us." Alex assures her.

"Small favours." the women mutters While driving the horse over the lawn, some comments like giddy up, good girl "The professor is unaccustomed to having children in his house, and as such, there are a few rules we need to follow. There will be no shouting' or running', no improper use of the dumbwaiter, NO touching of the historical artifacts and above all, there shall be no disturbing' of the Professor." The older woman warns them.

Alex was sat listening to the radio "German aircraft carried out several attacks on Great Britain last night-" but it was cut off ass as Susan turned it off. "The sheets feel scratchy," Lucy whined. "Wars don't last forever, Lucy. We'll be home soon." Alex reassured her. "If home's still there." Edmund told them earning a glare from Susan and Alex. "Isn't it time you were in bed?" Susan said glaring. "YES, Mum!" "ED! You saw the outside. This place is huge. We'll be able to do whatever we want. Tomorrow's going to be great. Really." Alex told the youngest.


Rain pattering on window the weather doesn't surprise any of the children "Gas-tro-vas-cu-lar." Alex hears Susan pronounce; she was trying to teach peter some words honestly, he wasn't listening he was reading his old copy of jane eyra.

 "Come on, Peter Gas-tro-vas-cu-lar" Susan repeats. "Is it Latin?" the blonde boy asks uninterested.

 "Yes..." "Is it Latin for the worst game ever invented?" Edmund says snarky. 

"We could play hide-and-seek" Lucy suggests "but we're already having so much fun!" Peter tells the girl sarcastically making Alex roll his eyes. "Please, please, please." Lucy begs they eventually give in to the younger girl.

"One...two...three...four..." Peter begins counting.  Alex finds Lucy and leads her to a wardrobe "Come on luce."

"Eight four, eighty-five..." Alex hears Peter counting and they quickly climb into the wardrobe which never seemed to end the two children just kept going further and further in until it does stop.

They gasp when they see they are in a completely different place covered in snow suddenly Alex smiles at Lucy's face she hasn't looked this happy in a longtime. As they reach a lamppost, they hear footsteps from all around. "AAAUUUGGGGHHHHH!" All three people scream. something or someone is in front of them they look half human and half goat. Alex pushes his sister behind him as he steps closer to whoever stood behind the tree. Tumnus slowly starts walking out as Lucy picks up packages "Uh, CH... gk, ch." Alex chuckles at the man's gibberish. "Were you hiding from us?" Lucy asks the man.

"Huh, um, n..n.. no, I..I... I didn't want to scare you," The creature tells them. "If you don't mind my asking...what are you?" Alex asks politely. "Why, I'm a faun! And you must be some beardless dwarfs?" 

Lucy holds a look of offense "I'm not a dwarf, I'm a girl! And actually, I'm tallest in my Class." Lucy tells him. the man looked as if he "But you're saying, you're a daughter of Eve and son of Adam?"

"Well, our mum's name is Helen..." Lucy trails off. "Yes, but you are, in fact, human." "Of course." the Pevensie siblings say. "What are you doing here?" The faun asks. "Well, we came in through the wardrobe in the spare room, and-" Lucy begins to explain. "Spare Oom, is that in Narnia?" The Faun asks "Narnia? What's that?" Alex questions. "My dear boy, you're in it! Everything from the lamp post, all the way to castle Cair Paravel on the Eastern Sea, every stick and stone, every icicle, is Narnia," "This is an awfully big wardrobe," Lucy says, causing Alex to chuckle. 

"I'm sorry, please allow me to introduce myself, my name is Tumnus" "Glad to meet you, Mr. Tumnus!" She extends hand "I'm Lucy Pevensie. Oh, you shake it!" the girl tells him holding her hand out when seeing his confused look. "Why?" Lucy was caught off guard by the question. " I-I don't know! People do it when they meet each other."

"Im Alexander Pevensie nice to meet you mr Tumnus." unlike Lucy he doesnt hold out his hand knowing it confused the faun. "Alexander and Lucy Pevensie, from the shining city of Wardrobe in the far land of Spare Oom, how would it be if you came and had tea with me?" 

"Oh! Well, thank you very much! But we probably should be getting back..." Alex begins but is cut off by the Faun. "Oh, come on! It's not every day I get to make a new friend! And there's a... roaring fire! And toast and cakes! And maybe... we'll even break into the sardines." Tumnus explains. "Well, maybe for just a little while... if you have... sardines." Lucy says politely. "By the bucket load," Tumnus tells them. "Come Along." Tumnus leads them away to his house.

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