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The morning of our departure it rains non stop.

"Thank god we're heading off to Greece. Nothing but sun for 5 whole glorious weeks."

"It probably rains in Greece too." Hazel says.

Marcus, Jesse, Hazel and me are putting our suitcases into the car.

"Oh by the way, we're picking up Trent and Jadon on the way." Jesse says.

"Who and who?" Hazel asks.

She's clueless when it comes to football.

"Trent Alexander Arnold and Jadon Sancho. The babies in our squad." Marcus clarifies.

"They're literally 2 years younger than you Marcus." I point out.


"I don't know who these people are. Do you Hails?"

"I know who they are but I've never met either of them."

"They're nice enough I guess." Jesse says.

"Jesse shut up we all know you love them." Marcus says.

We pick up Trent first. He shoves his stuff in the boot of the car and climbs in next to me.

"Oh hey. I'm Trent." he says.

"Hailey." I smile at him.

"Heard a lot of good things about you from Marcus, Mason and Dec. Not so many good things from Jesse though."

"Don't mind whatever he says, he's messing."

"Am I though? Am I really?"

"Jesse shut up I've only just met the guy."

Trent smiles.

"You guys seem pretty close."

"We are." I agree.

"Yeah, so no trying anything with her or I will kill you in your sleep."

"Jesus don't hold back Jesse." Marcus laughs.

"So tell me Hailey. How old are you?"

"Not old enough for you." Jesse says.

"I'm not a baby Jesse, I'm 19."

"Yeah I'm 20 so there's barely any gap between us."

"Trent man, shut up."

Jesse has an edge to his voice.

"Sorry." I say to Trent, murdering Jesse in my brain.

Trent seems like a nice enough boy, cracking jokes on our way and going out of his way to be polite to me and Hazel.

Jadon comes next and he climbs in.

"Why hello there beautiful."

Is the first thing he says when he sees me. Bit of a contrast to Trent I must say. So much for being a gentleman.

"Hi." I say.

"And who would you be?"

"Mrs Claus." I roll my eyes, "Hailey Lingard, who'd you think?"

"I'm Jadon."

"I know."

"Been watching me?" he asks with a smirk.

"No, I've been watching my brother and Marcus."

This guy definitely isn't as cute and innocent as Trent.

Out of Reach|| Jadon SanchoWhere stories live. Discover now