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I've gone into hibernation mode. I haven't left my room for a whole two days. I survived off of snacks and a lot of screen time. Hazel knocked on my door three thousand times, threatened to kick it down and then told me I was the biggest idiot she's ever met but i ignored her and stayed in the refuge of my bed. Marcus and Jesse both came then, and both left. Nobody else seems to care. I'm so appreciated here. Go me.

"Hailey? Please come out?" a voice calls.

"Go away." I pull the covers over my head.

I hate everyone. I don't want to see any of them.

"If you don't come out, I'll have to come in." calls Trent from the other side of the door.

Like I haven't heard that one before.

"Go ahead." I call back.

The door clicks, and swings open. I sit upright.

"How on earth did you manage to do that?" I ask Trent.

He looks pretty pleased with himself as he shuts the door behind him.

"Spare key at reception."

"How did you convince them to give it to you?"

"I told them you'd lost yours and were too scared to tell them." he laughs whole heartedly and I smile in spite of myself.

"What's up?" he asks, sitting at the end of my bed.

"Everyone hates me."

"That's not true." he says.

I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Jesse doesn't, Hazel doesn't, Marcus doesn't, I don't..."

"Great. My brother, my two best friends and my boyfriend don't hate me. That's great, im doing so well." I say sarcastically.

"Hailey, since when did you even care?" he asks.

"No one wants me here."

I motion for my half packed suitcase. His eyes widen.

"You're going back?" he asks.

"Yup. Planes tomorrow at 7pm. I just have to stay in here for two more days."

"Hailey don't go home! Nobody is thaaat mad at you. There just a bit annoyed because they say you've been playing some of them."

"Thanks Trent." I say sarcastically again.

"Hey! They're not my words, they're the boys."

"So everyone does hate me." I say triumphantly

"Are you always so negative?"

"If your negative nothing can disappoint you."

He sighs.

"Hailey it's not that bad."

"Yes it is."

I bury myself under the duvet.

"I just wanted to have a nice time." I say quietly.

He says nothing.

There's another knock on the door.

"Why can't everyone just leave me alone?"

"Hailey, I think you might want to hear this!"

It's Marcus.

"I don't."

Trent stands and opens the door.

"Trent what?" I say , throwing my pillow at him.

He throws it right back.

Out of Reach|| Jadon SanchoWhere stories live. Discover now