Chapter 14

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"Dude, you look like you've cried, are you alright?"

Ali looked at me in a concerned way, worried I might have been through something she didn't notice.

"Oh- I didn't, I'm alright."

Draco had really gotten to me with what he had said, and I had decided to listen to his advice.

I truly hoped it would help me forget it.

"Well, if it's because of the upcoming exams- you're not alone. I have no idea how I'm supposed to study all the things we've covered in class."

She seemed stressed and honestly, I was too. My mind had been anywhere but on school these last days and it wasn't doing me any good.

"If you'd like we can study together this week. I really need you, Ali."

A smile crossed her face, as she was probably happy to be needed.

"Sure thing."

I smiled back at her, once again glad to have her by my side and in my life. She was one of the things I was absolutely certain about to be one of the good decisions I made.

"But seriously, y/n... we haven't really talked about Friday yet."

My heart dropped and I felt an immediate shiver sent down my spine.

"What do you mean?"

Her face looked so serious for a moment, that I thought she might know something, but then her familiar enthusiastic smile spread all across her face.

"Have you not seen him?! Nate looked fucking HOT- the way he choked Graham..." she shook her head, lost in her thoughts once again, daydreaming about her crush.

"I wish he'd choke me like that. I'd 100% let that man spit in my mouth."

I couldn't help but burst out laughing, which made her jokingly punch me.

"Don't laugh- it's not funny."

Now we both laughed about it, but I knew as much as her that she was serious about what she said.

"You said you'd help me! When is that happening, y/n?" she raised her brows with an expectant smile.

"Yes, I'll help you. Just be patient."


Days had passed since I had gotten my last individual task and the long period of time that had passed, made me suspect that it wasn't a coincidence.

Snape was probably still pissed off, and the treatment he gave me in Dark Arts didn't convince me otherwise.

"Like I said, it's first and foremost an anguish-charm, it does nothing apart from hurting your opponent.

Spells like that can be helpful to distract or mislead."

He strutted back and forth in front of the class.

"There are a few things you should keep in mind when using it though,

I would like to demonstrate those. Any volunteers?"

His glance scanned the class with raised brows, until his eyes met mine.

"Miss l/n, perhaps?"

It felt like a demand rather than a question, so I swallowed down my anxiety and got up.

"Please-" his hand made a gesture towards his right,

and I approached him, stopping to his right.

GAME OF TEMPTATION | Draco x Reader, 18+Where stories live. Discover now