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Violet woke up in a bad mood. A young girl every so often would scream because of her nightmares, and then there was Jasper; he would moan in pain throughout the night.

She stretched and looked around; a lot of people were already up. For some reason, she was looking for someone in particular why she didn't know, but she started to walk looking for him.

Murphy threw his knife to a tree, his knife falling to the ground; she laughed at him, "its that damn kid always messing with my head," Murphy said, looking at her as she was walking to them.

"Sure, it is," she said, putting her hand out in front of him to give her the knife; he rolled his eyes and did. "He's not going to last much longer, better think of a new excuse," Bellamy said, throwing an axe at the tree "that's how it's done," he said.

"My turn," Violet said, moving to where Bellamy was, and she threw the knife, landing next to Bellamy's axe; she smiled proudly. She looked at Murphy with a big smile "thats how you need to do it, Johnny boy," she said.

Atom, with someone else, walked up to them "we searched half a mile in all directions with no sign of Pascal or Trina." "Who," Violet asked, confused, looking at the two boys. "Did you visit your special tree when you were out there," Murphy said, walking up to the tree to get his knife. Violet was confused as to what this special tree meant.

"Atom took his punishment, let it go," Bellamy said firmly. There was a punishment, and she wasnt invited, a small frown form her face. "Could be grounders," Atom said. "Yeah, or they could be in pound town. Lots of that going around recently," Murphy said, walking back.

"Lucky," Violet murmured with a bit of jealousy. When do they find the time to do that? She had no idea. She had missed some of the conversation as her mind went wild thinking of other things, but she heard Bellamy say, "well keep an eye out for them when we go hunting later," which made Violet excited "lets go kill something," Murphy said.

"You're not going," Bellamy said, making Murphy stop. "I need you to say here if the grounders are nearby, I cant leave this place unprotected," he told him. "Ha, you get to stay," Violet said, walking closer to Bellamy. "You need to stay too," he told her. That made a small smile appear on Murphy's lips. Her smile left her face, "What I want to kill something," she said, throwing her head back. "I need you to build a wall and get others to help."

"But that's boring," Violet said complained.

Jasper moaned in pain again, "somebody better tell goggle boy to keep it shut," Murphy said. "I call dibs on killing him," Violet told Murphy as they began to walk. "Its either you or me," he said with a smirk while walking; she smiled at his comment. Their bond was weird as they spent more time together; she wanted to kill him less.


As they were working, a weird fog started to appear, and people started to scream. "John, we have to go," she told him as people started to run. She didnt want to get near that yellowish fog.

Everyone was inside the dropship, they closed the door that way the fog wouldnt go inside. People were trying to rest, but it was hard when Jasper wouldnt shut up. Some people were even covering their ears. "Thats it, I'm ending this," Murphy said. "Hey, no fair. I said I had dibs," Violet said, looking up to John from where she was sitting on the floor.

"I heard Bellamy gave him until tomorrow," a girl said. "Bellamy isnt here, is he? The kid is dying. Im just getting over it with," John said. Monty went up the stairs closing the hatch door.

"Monty, I promise Ill kill him quickly," Violet shouted. "Monty, open up," Murphy yelled. "It will be a fast painful death... shit wait, I meant to say painless," she yelled again, bringing her hand to her forehead. She didnt kill Jasper that night.

Clarke was able to come back with what she needed, and a few hours later, Jasper was better and was finally done complaining.


After Wells was found dead everyone worked together to build a wall around the camp to try to keep the grounders out.

Violet didnt remember ever working this much; she was tired and sweaty. "This section should be done by tomorrow," she heard Murphy tell Bellamy not too far from where she was. She lay on the ground feeling like she had done enough; she only needed to rest for a little while.

She opened her eyes, hearing Murphy yell at everyone to get back to work "that includes you, Violet," he said, gently kicking her leg. "Let me rest for a few minutes or what you're going to pee on me too," she said, raising an eyebrow. He shook his head "two minutes; then you get back to work" "Yes, sir," she said, closing her eyes again. With her eyes closed, she extended her hand and began to pull the grass and put it on top of her shirt. She hummed a melody as her back rested. Every so often, Murphy would glance her way. After she was done resting, she got back to work.

"You son of a bitch," she heard Clarke say, pushing Murphy. Violet dropped the branch and started to go to where Murphy was. "Whats your problem," said Murphy. "Recognize this," Clarke said, lifting up a knife. "Thats my knife where you found it," Murphy said, trying to get it, but Clarke moved it away.

"Where you dropped it after killing Wells."

"I what," Murphy said confused. Even Violet was confused; they were told that a grounder had killed him.

"Bellamy, you really believe this crap," Murphy said looking at him; he only looked at Murphy with his arms crossed.

Clarke continued by saying how Murphy wanted to kill Wells and how he also heated him. Octavia also added that he wanted to kill Jasper too. Violet felt a bit offended; she was the one that wanted to kill him. Everyone was gathering around looking at Murphy; they were against him.

"Is this the kind of society we want? You say there's no rules that mean we can kill without punishment," Clarke asked, looking around at everyone. "That's the dream," Violet said, making a few people near her to look at her.

"I already told you I didnt kill anyone," Murphy said angrily. "Come on, John is not that stupid; he wouldnt leave the killer weapon behind. Its like a child did it," Violet said louder for everyone to hear. Murphy heard her, and we smirked at her. Having her on his side for some reason; made him feel a bit better about the situation.

But they ignored her as someone said, "I say we float him," others agreed. "Thats not what Im saying," Clarke said. "Why not its justice, he deserves it" then everyone started to chant 'float him.' Violet was going to fight all these idiots.

Murphy then was thrown to the dirt, and people started to kick him. "Stop," Violet said, pushing people out of the way. She punched people left and right "let him go," she said, but no one listened to her.

A boy pushed her to the ground, she moved her head and saw John who was trying to get away, but there were too many against him. She was pinned to the ground, and the other criminals got Murphy to get up.

"Let me go, you asshole," she screamed at whoever had her on the ground. They tied John up and threw him down a small hill. "Stop, let him go," she screamed. He was the only one who never judged her. She had enough the boy got distracted, making it easier for her to get free.

She quickly moved and got John's knife that was on the ground. She got it and stabbed the boy in the chest three times without missing a beat; she ran to where they were taking Murphy.

By the time she got there, Murphy had a rope tied around his neck.

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