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A few days had passed, and surprisingly Violet and John were allowed back into the camp.

No one suspected that they killed Conner or Kyle. Sadly for Violet, she had to work. She was in the smokehouse with Octavia, John, and another guy named Del.

"You don't want the fire too big. So maybe just try to knock it down with some wet leaves." Octavia told Del, seeing him adding more wood. "You get that from your boyfriend, Grounder pounder?" Apparently, Octavia had a thing with one of the grounders. She had missed a lot of information. "She's right. A hot fire is not gonna preserve the meat as well," Murphy said.

"You can't take the heat; get out of the smokehouse. Should be kissing our asses for being allowed back in this camp. Just keep working," Del said, exiting the smokehouse. "Fucking asshole," Violet said she was going to walk after him.

Murphy stopped her holding her arm "not now," he said close to her ear. She moved her arm back, making him let go of her, and continued working. "Your brother couldn't get you a better job? Would think anything would be better than working in the meat furnace," Murphy told Octavia. She ignored both of them.

A few hours passed by when John and Octavia began to smell fire. Violet was too busy braiding her hair. She had stopped working and was sitting on the ground. "Violet, we have to go," John told her as everything inside the smokehouse started catching on fire. Octavia and Violet got out coughing. "Are you ok," Bellamy asked Octavia she nodded as she coughed.

"This is all your fault," Murphy said looking at Del. Del only looked around unbother. "We told you it was too much wood," Murphy said and he punched Del. Bellamy was able to break them apart "save it for the Grounders," Bellamy told them. "That was all our food," Violet said looking at Octavia "what are we going to do now," she asked her brother.


People left into smaller groups to hunt. At nightfall, they came back some with food but mostly fish. Murphy and Violet were cleaning the fish. "I hate this," Violet said, her hands smelling like fish. Murphy was gutting a fish "you want to complain to Bellamy," he told her. "I'll do more than complaining," she said, looking at her hands.

She moved her hands closer to John's face. He moved his face away, "Violet, your hands smell like fish," he said, covering his face with his shoulder; she laughed at him.

"The hunters are back? Is Finn with them?" Raven asked, looking weirdly at both of them. "I don't think so. Hey, relax. I'm sure Clarke is keeping him out of trouble," Murphy told her. "Don't worry, bird; you will find someone that's not an ass like Finn," Violet told Raven. "It's Raven, not bird," she told her and left.

She saw Bellamy enter the same tent that Raven was in, "I guess she's moving on," she told Murphy as they continued to gut the fish.

"The grounders are getting ready to kill us, but some people still find time to have sex," she said, shaking her head.

"You're just jealous," Murphy said with a smile. "Maybe," she whispered. "No one is going to have sex with a killer," she said, looking at John. "Why are you going to kill them after," he said, putting the fish to the side and looking at her. She shrugged, "Yes, what am I supposed to do after. Talk about my feelings?" She had a disgusted expression on her face.

He wasn't sure if she was being serious about that. "Not necessary. It can be a one-time thing, and you move on, or if you like them, you can continue having sex with that person," he said, not looking at her.

"You talk about it like you had to deal with that. Did you have a girl back at the ark," she asked for some reason; she wanted him to say no. He shook his head, "I've had a few one-night stands, though." "Good for you," she said, hitting his arm with her elbow. "So you haven't had sex," he asked her. "No, I was locked up when I was six, and now I'm here. But I bet there's a weirdo here who wouldn't care having sex with a killer," she looked at the boys in the camp, but her eyes landed on John.

"Yeah, there might be one or two," he said, looking at the fish.


Finn and Clarke were taken by the grounders. Myles, the other person that went hunting with them, was injured. He had one spear on his leg and the other one on his shoulder.

"You know Myles is injured, he's weak, he's going to die soon. You think he might want a little help," she told John quietly as they were outside the dropship. "I think he would," he said with a smile on his face.

Myles was the one that helped tie the noose that they used to hang Murphy. They were both inside the dropship Bellamy had left to get Myles some water.

Violet handed John a black plastic bag "this could help" he looked at it and nodded. "Come on," he told her. Myles was mumbling for water.

John put the bag on his face while he was doing that; Violet was standing next to him, covering what he was doing just in case. Myles was struggling to breathe.

Violet saw Jasper get down from the stairs; she hit John in the arm to get his attention. He quickly moved the bag from Myles' face, Jasper was on the last step, and he saw Murphy and Violet next to Myles.

"Hello, Jasper," Violet said. "What are you two doing," Jasper asked. "Myles here was asking for water," she told him. Jasper looked around "and wheres the water," he asked, looking at both of them suspiciously. "We were just going to get it; you are a bit impatient, arent you," Violet said.

Jasper and Murphy were eyeing the gun that was on the table. They ran to the gun Murphy, got it first. "Murphy, Just put the gun down," Jasper said. Murphy looked at Myles' lifeless body "he tried to kill me. Hey, dont move," he told Jasper when he took a step back. "Hey, its cool, were cool," Jasper said, trying to calm down Murphy. "No, its not; you know what will happen to me if you tell Bellamy," he told Jasper, pointing the gun at him.

"Tell Bellamy what," Bellamy said from a walkie-talkie.

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