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"Hey V," John said while jogging trying to catch up to her, but Violet continued walking. "Hey, stop," he said, holding her shoulder.

"What do you want, Murphy," she said, crossing her arms. The way that she was looking at him at that moment was the same, she saw the people that she wanted to kill, and she had killed a few of them.

"What's wrong," he said, walking next to her. Most of the time she called him John, but he knew that when she called him Murphy it meant she was upset.

"Theres nothing wrong why do you ask," she said, looking ahead. "You called me Murphy, which you never do, you didnt stop when I called you, and you arent even looking at me." She looked at him for a second, and then she kept looking ahead "happy I looked at you," she said, still with her arms crossed.

"Is it because you want to go back," he asked, unsure of why she was acting this way. She shook her head "then what is it," he asked, looking at her "please look at me, V," he said, placing his hand on her shoulder.

They stopped walking, and she looked at him. Violet was going through a lot of emotions at the moment; she was upset, angry, annoyed, confused, and jealous. She didnt know what to do with all of these emotions at once all her life. It was only her, and then John came along, and she was getting used to that, but now Emori was here.

"Why dont you go with your new friend and keep her company huh," she said, looking at Emori, who was looking at them. John looked back at Emori, "We were just talking, getting to know each other," John said, looking back at Violet.

"Then continue knowing each other and leave me alone," she said, pushing him back. He was pushed a few steps back "why are you upset," he asked, walking back to where he was. "Im not upset, Murphy. Just go with her; it seemed you two were having a great time," she said, avoiding looking at him.

He was upset about her words, but then it hit him, "Violet, are you jealous," he said with a playful smile. "Im not jealous," she said, looking back at him, John was smiling at her. As she looked at his smile she couldnt help but show a small smile too. "You are jealous" he pointed his index finger at her. "Ill cut your finger off, Murphy," but he didnt move it; he even poked her shoulder with his finger.

"Im not jealous; I just there's something off I dont know," she said. The situation that they found Emori seemed perfect like everything was planned out. "What do you mean," John asked curiously. "Think like a criminal," she said, looking at him "easy," he responded "you see a group of people who had traveled far to be here they are tired and weak. They are going to the city of light where they can have a better life, they think that everyone they cross path with is going to the same place. What would you do if you saw them."

He was thinking for a few seconds "take advantage of their situation and steal the little things they have with them." "Exactly what if thats what Emori is trying to do, did she tell you anything?" "No, her people dont like her." "Even more reason to steal she has nothing she will take whatever she finds to survive."

"I dont think she would do that," he said, looking at Emori as she was helping carry the cart. "Are you serious, John? You better than anyone else should know that you do whatever to survive," she said, looking at him one last time and walking ahead with the group. John stayed there looking at Violet walk away Emori looked at him with a weak smile.

Violet had caught up to the group. She was rethinking going to the city of light was even a good idea. A grounder on a horse appeared "nobody moved," he said. "Hold your fire," Jaha said to the people that had their guns up.

Before Violet was able to get her axe, Emori pulled her, and a knife was against her neck. John took a few steps closer "dont move," Emori told him, pressing the knife a bit more.

Violet looked at John, "I told you so," she said and hoped that John could hear her. "Everybody put your weapons and supplies in the cart, and nobody gets hurt," Emori said, holding her tighter.

"They dont care about me; they won't listen to you," Violet told her. "Oh really," Emori said as Violet looked at what she was referring to. Murphy had put his stuff in the cart. "Do as she says," Murphy said, looking at Violet. "Idiot," Violet said.

"I guess someone cares about you after all," Emori said. "We all came out here searching for a better life, same as you. Maybe we can find it if we work together." "Thanks... But no. Now, everyone, back away from the cart and get on your knees," Emori said.

One by one they got on their knees. John didnt move his eyes from Violet, wanting to make sure that Emori wouldn't hurt her. Emori pushed her down and took her backpack "you won't be needing this," she told her. "Thats mine." Emori got closer to her "due north." That's all Emori told her before everything went dark.


She felt someone shaking her, "V, come on, wake up," John said, kneeling beside her. She opened her eyes and brought one hand to her forehead. "Finally, she's up," Caspian said. "Shut up," John said, looking at Caspian.

By the time everyone woke up, it was nighttime. They had no food, no water, no weapons, and many wanted to go back. "She said due north," Violet said, getting up cleaning the sand from her clothes. "I think she was talking about the city of light," she said, looking at John. "Did she say how far due North?" "No, we didnt have a chance to properly talk you know," Violet said, looking at Jaha.

"She wouldn't be sending us there if we couldn't make it." "John, we have no weapons and no rations. If we go North and you're wrong, then all of us will die. If we turn back now, we live." "So are we just going back," Violet said. "So that's it? We've reached the point of no return? You just want to give up?" Murphy said.

Jaha pointed at the North Star, and John started to walk. He looked behind his shoulder and looked at Violet. She looked back at the other people who had decided to go back to the camp, and a few wanted to continue going, "I guess north it is," she said, catching up to John. He smiled at her when he saw that she decided to continue.

"How much longer," Violet said tiredly as she was dragging her feet. "It'd sure be nice to have some sign that we're not just marching to our own deaths," Richards added. "Were not," Jaha said simply. "Can we stop and rest," Violet said. "We just need to walk a little more, Violet. Once we are there, everything will be worth it," Jaha said.

"I doubt it."

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