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Violet and John were sitting on the floor downstairs; they had decided to play truth or dare; it seemed they had already played every other game they could think of.

"I'll go first," John said, holding a drink with alcohol. "Violet, truth or dare?" "Let's do truth." "What's your biggest fear?"

She was thinking for a moment she wasn't afraid of a lot of things that had happened to her. She felt she could deal with anything, but there was something that popped in her head. "You will laugh at me," she told him. John put the drink down "I won't come on; I'm intrigued."

"My biggest fear is not finding someone that loves me," she said, looking down. "It's stupid, I know, but I don't know. I wonder if I would ever have that person that when they see me their face lights up or when they are sad they come to me or if someone will love me enough to have a family with me. Just have a bunch of crazy kids," she said laughing, at the last thing she said.

"Violet," John said, moving his hand on top of hers. "I... you will find someone, I'm sure of it," he told her without moving his hand.

"I don't think so. I wouldn't even want to date myself. Ok, enough, about that now your turn, John truth or dare."

"Truth" "Have you ever peed on the shower," she said, raising an eyebrow. He laughed "yes, today" she looked at him in shock, "John! That's gross. I showered after you! And you didn't say anything" she got a cushion from behind her and threw it at his face.

"Careful with my drink," he said as she had almost made him spill his drink. "From now on, I'm showering before you," she said, pointing her finger at him. "Disgusting," she shook her head.

"Truth or dare," John said. "I guess dare." John had a mischievous smile on his face, "remove two items of clothing." She looked at herself wondering, what she was going to remove. She took off her shirt and decided on one sock. "That's easy. Your turn, truth or dare."

John tried his hardest to look at her face and not at her chest; she was wearing a bra, but he had never seen her like that; he wasn't sure she wouldn't even do the dare. "John, truth or dare," she repeated again.

"Uh, dare," she smiled "dance for 5 minutes without music." "Really," he said, putting his drink down and standing up. He started to move around, which made Violet laugh "horrible dance moves, honestly," she said after she was done laughing. "You can't judge I'm doing the dare," he told her as he moved his hand in the air.

After the five minutes were done, he sat down again; he was sweating. She laughed and held her stomach "best five minutes," she said between laughs.

"Truth or dare." "Truth" "What do you like about me?" He said without thinking it might have been the alcohol in his system. "I really like your eyes and your smile," she told him, looking at him.

He smiled at her response "Truth," John said before she even asked him, "who from the 100 would you make out with?" He looked at her for a moment and shook his head, bringing the drink to his lips, "John! Come on, tell me." "Not doing that," he said, setting his drink down.

"Boring, I pick dare."

"Yell out the first word that comes to your mind" "Food!" She laughed "I'm so hungry ok now you."

"I guess dare"

"Kiss me," she said quietly; he didn't know he heard her right. He looked at her; she was waiting for him, not sure if he was going to do it or drink. She moved closer to him, sitting on her knees.

"John," she said, looking at his lips. "Violet y-we are drunk."

"So," she said, getting closer. "This will be your first kiss, and I don't think it should be like this," he told her, moving back. She had so much alcohol in her system that she wasn't thinking straight. She thought Murphy liked her. No one else had stuck around this long. She enjoyed his company; she liked his personality. They were similar in a few things, and he was cute. In her crazy mind, she thought he wasn't grossed out by her. She thought he saw her differently and not like a unworthy person of love.

She blinked a few times "ok, I'm going to bed," she said, getting her shirt and going up the stairs, not stopping when John called her name.

She felt stupid and embarrassed that John didn't want to kiss her. She put on her shirt and lay in bed with the blanket covering her face.

"Violet, are you sleeping," John asked, going inside the room, she didn't say anything. "I'm sorry" he took his pillow and went downstairs.

When she heard the door close, she looked at the door when John had just left. She hugged herself to sleep.

The next morning Violet had woken up early but didn't get out of the room until much later. She opened the door and went downstairs. John was on the sofa watching the same video about A.L.I.E.

She went to the kitchen and got her food for the morning. He turned off the TV when he saw her in the kitchen. "Violet, can we talk," he asked when he was closer to her.

That night he couldn't sleep, he wanted to kiss her, but they had drinked. He wanted Violet to have a good first kiss, and he wasn't sure he was the right person.

"Sure, what do you want to talk about." She decided she wasn't going to be upset by this; she had dealt with worse things than getting rejected by the only person she had ever liked.

"About last night," he said slowly. "Yeah, it was fun. I enjoyed it when you dance without music," she said, pretending she didn't remember when he said he didn't want to kiss her.

"Yeah, that was funny; do you remember anything else?" "Ugh, I remember that I told you my biggest fear that's stupid, forget about that," she said, throwing her trash.

"You're not upset."

"Why would I be," she smiled at him. "No reason, Uhm how did you sleep?" "Good. Bet the sofa was comfortable," she said, pointing at the sofa. "It was, but I couldn't sleep on it forever," he said, scratching the back of his neck.

"Well, tonight, you can sleep in the bed. It has been working for the last few weeks." The rest of the day went like usual.

John was happy that it wasn't weird between them, but he hated himself for ruining the moment.

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