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Abby had put in charge John and Violet to watch Raven. Abby had told them that she had a seizure. "Bird, what the hell you had a seizure, are you alright," Violet had asked as she marched to where Raven was. "Purple, I'm fine," Raven said, moving Violet's hand that was on her forehead.

Raven walked up the stairs to start the simulation. She had failed a few times already, and she was getting frustrated, and John wasn't much help. "Way to go, Raven. Nuclear death wave 42 and mankind zero," John said as he was playing with a small race car.

"John," Violet said, looking at him sternly.
"What I'm trying to lighten up the mood." "It's not working"

"You want to get in here and try it?" Raven yelled from inside the rocket.

"Nah, Anyway, I wouldn't want to be responsible for everyone in the world dying." Violet never cared about dying; she even welcomed it if she had the chance, but now having John in her life made her double-think death.

Raven tried the simulation once again and screamed in frustration.

"Maybe you should take a break, Bird," Violet suggested. "I don't have time for that. I'm running it again."

"Sure. 28th time's the charm, right?"

Raven failed again and walked out the steps frustrated and angry. "I have had enough of your stupid, little jokes." Raven pushed John. "Why don't you take it easy, huh?"

"Bird, stop, let's go for a walk, maybe fresh air will help," Violet said, walking up to her. Violet didn't know what to do; she was not the best at controlling her emotions.

"I don't need to walk, I don't need your help," Raven said, moving Violet out of her way and walking toward Murphy. "You're just a self-loathing bottom-feeder. Abby's an idiot for trusting you. She doesn't know you like I do. You're a leech, Murphy, sucking people dry and taking whatever, you can so that you can survive."

"That's enough!" Violet tried to hold her arm, but Raven moved. "And you," Raven pointed at Violet, "you are just like him. You would do anything to survive. But both of you don't deserve to survive," she said with gritted teeth.

Violet shook her head, mad at Raven's behavior. She knew Raven wasn't a fan of her, she had made that clear, but she never thought she would express that way about her. John moved to be in front of Violet. "At least I'm not a mental patient like you, Raven."

Raven started pushing him and hitting him, "I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!"

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Stop!" Violet moved to hold Raven. "Listen to me, Raven." Violet hugged her from the back and moved away from John. "What's wrong with you?" "Let go of me!"

"Breath, Raven, you will figure something out; I know you will. But you need to take a break, or you will kill yourself if you continue like this. I'm only the one allowed to kill you remember." She started to move back and forth with Raven. She closed her eyes and calmed down.

It was strange to Violet being the one who calmed Raven. She had never been in that position. There was only one person who would she do anything for, but now it seemed she added someone else. "It's ok, breath in and out" Raven opened her eyes again "let's go again," she said, and Violet let go of her.

Violet watched as Raven went up the steps. She looked back at John "you ok" he only walked away.

"John, wait," she looked back, and Raven "shit" and ran after John.

"John, stop" she placed a hand on his shoulder he finally stopped. She looked at him and placed her hand on his cheek. "She's just frustrated, she doesn't mean it."

"She does, Violet, and you know it," John said, getting her hand from his cheek and moving it, making her drop her hand. "Why are you mad?" she could feel something was wrong. He closed his eyes and shook his head "you went to her side," he said, looking at her.

"What do you mean to her side?" she was confused as to why he was mad. "You went with her; you calmed her down" she looked at him in shock, "because she was hitting you, John! I was protecting you!"

He scoff, "you know if it was anyone else, I wouldn't have help right away. I c-care about you, John, a lot. I have been by your side through it all."

She looked down "and if we have two months to live. I want to spend them with you" he held her hand, "I want to spend them with you too. I shouldn't have reacted that way. I guess I was upset that you care about someone else."

"Raven is not you, John" she got closer to him, their forehead touching.

"Now, let's go check on Raven before she does something stupid," she said.

Raven was with Luna. Luna was trying to make Raven meditate, but she didn't think it would help her.

"To land this ship in one piece, calculating the re-entry trajectory has to be perfect, deploying the thrusters has to be perfect, the burn rate has to be perfect." They heard Raven say as they walked closer to where she was. "Perfect. Maybe perfect is your problem."


"Bird, as long as you don't die, I'll say that's a win."

"And as long as you and Abby walk away with the magic potion," John added. "A controlled crash is still a crash," Raven responded, looking at the computer.

Luna got up from the chair "swim away" "A controlled crash into the water. Luna, that's brilliant," Raven said, looking at Luna and then back at the computer.

"Damn it. The computer won't let me execute a controlled crash" Raven said, frustrated, hitting the desk with her hand.

"So screw the computer, Raven. Fly it yourself."

"Switching to manual," Raven nodded and walked back to try to do the simulation.

Before she went up the stairs she looked back at Murphy "thank you."

"See, she doesn't hate your guts," Violet told him, bumping his shoulder.

"We're good! Took every last drop of fuel. But I did it. I can put her down in the water just offshore. We can survive. What's wrong?" Raven said excitedly, but she looked at their faces and knew something was wrong.

"Clarke just radioed. They lost a barrel."

Raven started to have a seizure foam coming out of her mouth. John ran screaming for Abby.

Luna and Violet carefully put her on the floor, "Bird, you're going to be ok," Violet said, moving Raven's hair from her face and putting her body to the side.

Abby came and checked on Raven; she made Raven rest in a room upstairs and told her that it was best if she didn't use her brain. Raven was feeling much better after resting for a few hours.

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