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"Listen to me. Diyoza didn't tell McCreary about the cure. I just did. Bad things are about to happen here," Murphy said, walking back into the church.

"Nice work, Murphy. I'll tell Diyoza, so her side is ready. As soon as the fighting starts, go to work on the collars," Echo said, walking out of the church. "Yes, boss."

Raven got up and walked over to Shaw, who was reading a book. Violet smiles as Raven took a seat in front of Shaw.

"Why are you looking at them like that," John asked her, sitting down next to her. "Because our little bird likes the pilot," Violet said with a grin.

"Can I talk to you?" Raven told Shaw. "Just once, I wish we could have a casual conversation," he said, looking at her and putting the book down. "This isn't it. We're escaping, and I want you to come with us. We know how to take off the collars, and as soon as she can--"

"No," Shaw said, interrupting Raven. "Shaw, you're gonna stay that you're still loyal to Diyoza after what she did to you?" "It's not that, Raven. I'm their only pilot. They'll never stop looking for me. That means you won't be safe," he said, looking down with a small smile on his face.

"I don't know why I care about that. Maybe it's your easygoing charm," he looks at her, and Raven has a small smile on her face. "Uh, let me put it to you like this, Shaw. Either you come with us or my friend over there," Raven said, pointing at Violet. The blonde was looking at them and waved in their direction. "Will kill you. How's that for easygoing?"

"We'll have to work on it..." Raven laughs "But ok. I'm in," Shaw said after a moment.

Once Diyoza gave the prisoners the signal, they all left the church, leaving the group behind. Raven and Violet started taking the collar off.

Violet took John's collar first while she explained to Raven how to take Shaw's collar off, zapping him in the process. Violet laughed and continued working on taking John's collar off.

Outside of the church, Diyoza was in front of her people while McCreary was in front of his. "What's Diyoza saying?" John asked as Diyoza started saying something to McCreary and his people.

"She's telling them about the cure, defusing the bomb with the truth. Got to say, she's good," Echo said, standing next to John. "Yeah, we'll see about that," he told her and walked out of the church down the steps and watched both sides discussing.

After listening for a moment, he got a rock that was near him "must I do everything myself," he said and threw it, hitting one prisoner in the head.

The prisoner looks at McCreary's man and starts shooting. They were shooting at each other John watched proudly of what he had done. John walked back in, "Let's go, people. I did my part."

Eloise and Elliott run to hug their father. "Almost there," Violet said, taking the color from the last person. Echo got up, "All right. You all know where the meeting point is. If anyone gets split up, go there. We'll come to find you and bring you to the cave," she told everyone that was in the church.

Kane entered from a door carrying a backpack, "Good, you're all here. We need to get Abby and Diyoza and get to the transport ship. The other defectors are there already," he told them. "Abby will be fine. They won't hurt their doctor. Whatever happens to Diyoza is not our concern," Echo told him.

Everyone started leaving the church; John held Eloise and Elliott from their shoulders, not wanting to lose them, "stay close," Violet told them.

"Is peace your concern? Bellamy and Clark negotiated a surrender. I've been working on a settlement for everyone in the south woods. Without Diyoza, that all goes away," Kane told the group. "Whoops." "Shit."

"I'll go with you." "No way, Octavia will never surrender, we leave as planned," Echo told Shaw trying to hold his arm, but he moved back and looked at her.

"Raven, take him and go right now, or I slit his throat," Echo said, looking at Shaw. "I'm starting to like her," Violet said. "Stop talking and do it already," he said, taking a few steps closer to her. "Do it," Violet said with a grin.

"Shaw, let's go," Raven told him, standing in between both of them. John looked at Violet, seeing the look he was giving her; she knew what he wanted to do.

"Bird," Violet called her before she walked out of the door with Shaw, "take the kids with you don't lose them." Eloise and Elliott walked to Raven and held her hand "of course I won't. Be careful."

"You too. Stay with aunt bird; you two will be fine," she told the kids, looking at them as they had a sad smile. Once Raven with the kids were out of the door, Violet followed behind John.

As they were walking behind Kane, John noticed that Violet looked worried "hey, the kids are going to be alright there with Raven." She looked at him and smile, "I know. I trust Raven, but we shouldn't have to go through all of this," she told him. He bumped her shoulder "life needs a bit of chaos, right." She looked at his blue eyes; even though it was dark outside, she can still see them, and it gave her hope, "yeah," she smiled at him.

"Come on," Kane said they hear McCreary and Diyoza arguing. McCreary had his gun pointed at Diyoza, but before he could shoot, John shot twice at McCreary.

"McCreary's people are in control. We have to go now," John said as the three of them walked closer to Diyoza.

"Where's Abby?" Kane asked her. "They took her, but she'll be ok," Diyoza said with her hands on the table, trying to catch her breath.

They heard gunshots coming from outside. "There's more coming. We should go," Murphy told them. Violet looked back at McCreary and walked closer to him, "Violet, what are you doing; we have to go," John said, noticing she wasn't following them.

"I was going to stab him to make sure he is dead, you know," she said, looking back at John. "He is come on," he told her.

She looked back one more time and followed after John.

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