Chapter 2

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I ignored them and decided to pay attention since I was  now an honor student. "Class you will be doing a partner or partners depending who I assign you to. You will create your own cleaning substance.. " I drifted off in my thoughts thinking of Jackson and Kihyun why would they ever back stab me like that. ??

I kept denying the fact that it was a set up of Kihyun. I kept daydreaming until the teacher said my name. "Tuan, Jeon, and Wang you'll be together" she said "Whaatt??" I yelled out "Do you want to argue about it? " she asked

"Umm No Miss but can't change partners?" I said almost begging on my knees. "Fine.. Jackson you'll so with Kihyun..." Even though I knew I didn't like Jackson any more something about knowing they were going to be together burned inside of me. "And _____ you'll stay with Jungkook"

I then sat down while looking at Jungkook and he smiled at me. Although I had a bad first impression of him something about that smile made me smile back at him.

I began to draw random sketches and found myself drawing Jungkook. I looked over at him , smirking at me I knew he had seen the drawing of him so I quickly covered it up. "It's ok Noona I already saw it.." he said smiling "Noona? I'm mostly likely younger then you!" I snapped back, before I knew it the bell had rung for next period.

I quickly put my journal and pencil in my bag and walked out leaving Jackson and Jungkook behind. I was about to walk out the door just when I felt a tug on my hand. I turned around thinking it was Jungkook trying to tell me to wait for him. But I was wrong it was Jackson and our faces were now centimeters away. "W-what do you want?" I stuttered "Cute.. I still make you nervous" I tried getting away from him put instead he pinned me against the wall.

"You still like me _____ whether you admit it or not I know you do" he said "I do not!!" "Yes you do And in order to show you I will prove it!" "How?" "By this"  He quickly pressed lips against mine , my eyes widen. At this moment I didn't know if I should enjoy this kiss and kick him in the balls. No _____ don't be that mean. He bit me lip and then  broke the kiss but not because he wanted to but because Jungkook got him off me.

"Told you.." Jackson winked and walked out with a smile from ear to ear. "What's up with you and him?" Jungkook asked "Uhh.. It's a story that I don't have time to tell you because then we'll be late for next period"  I said

We walked out and I looked at our schedule Dance...? "You're taking dance as an elective?" "Yeah why?" "Why did I get put in it too?" "Because people said you were good at dancing" I started panicking since I've never danced infront of anyone. "No.. I Suck.." "Com'on don't be so negative!" I walked over to the dance room and saw Kihyun there along with Mark and my cousin , Seunji. The teacher came in " Welcome class.. it seems that we have two new students in our class today. So as regulation we will have them freestyle.." she said I was panicking since dance is my biggest insecurity. "Mr. Jeon please go first"  Really upbeat music played and Jungkook started dancing. He was way better then I expected soon it was my turn. But Jungkook freestyled with me and made me feel somewhat better which was surprising. "Well done Mr. Jeon and Ms. " she looked on her name list "Tuan? Are you by any chance related to Mark Tuan?" She asked "Yes, he's my brother" "well Ms. Tuan your brother is one of my best students I'll be expecting big things from you" she said


"See you made a new 'friend' sis.." Mark said "Yeaa.. He's better then I thought" I said . Jungkook walked beside me and we saw Jackson come in our direction. Jungkook then quickly put his arm around my waist and directed me away from him. As soon as he touched my waist I got a queezy feeling in my stomach almost as the butterflies I had when I was with Jackson. We walked in the auditorium and sat down. The principal then came in and started the speech " We have decided this year that we will bring back The Spring Fest! But for this we will need to have nominations for the Spring Fest queen and king" the principal said "So please speak now for nominees" Jungkook squeezed my arm and I looked at him in confusion. He stood up on his chair and yelled "I nominate _____ Tuan!"

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