Drive me Crazy/Sugar Mamma. Korra x Asami. 🥰

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Korra's pov (This is set after the first comic)

I was patrolling the city on Naga when I saw two figures in an alley way. I hoped off of her and headed into it. I hide and listened to the conversation.

Guy1: "Please I work for Sato she'll give you the money."
Guy2: "Yeah right she won't give me anything. She's too high class to help out you."

I then saw another figure come into the group. "Stand down Dan you'll get your money." Wait that's sounds like Asami. Maybe they were holding her for ransom.

Without thinking I charged in with my bending and attack the men. "Stay away from her!" The second guy took whatever Asami was holding and got on his bike and left the first guy ran away on foot.

"Korra! I was trying to negotiate that man's freedom from gang crimes! And now they have my money." Asami said annoyed.

I rubbed the back of my head I didn't know what to say. "Oh well, I'll get them next time, how was your day beautiful?" Asami said as she walked up to me and kissed my cheek. I smiled and blushed still getting used to her actually loving me. "It was alright just been patrolling. But it's 8pm now why don't we go for a bite?"I smiled which made Asami smile too. "Okay take me on a date avatar." I grinned and pulled her onto Naga's back before we headed towards one of the nicer restaurants. "Here we are." I said, helping Asami down. "Its very nice Korra but don't you want to go somewhere a bit more Casual?"

I frowned and said. "Please we have never gone to a nice place I want to at least once take you somewhere nicer." Asami smiled and wrapped her arm around mine. "Okay Korra."

Once inside they dressed us up and we sat in a private booth. "How are you paying tonight Miss Avatar?" The waiter asked. "Um, well I have 100 yuan." I said, wow I am poor. "I'm sorry miss but nothing on our menu is that cheap." The waiter scoffed. I then felt a small hand on my waist. "Its okay I'll pay." Asami said, I sighed and ordered the cheapest thing on the menu which was a sider of noodles for 25 yuan. Asami looked worried but she ordered a platter for 110 yuan.

The waiter left and Asami took my hand. "Korra..." Asami whispered in my ear. "I love you but you drive me crazy." I pouted which made Asami laugh. "Let me be your sugar mumma." She whispered again which made me blush hard. "Okay..." I gulped.

Soon the food came and I ate my noodles really fast whilst trying to be formal still. Asami had only one wrap so far since she eats really slow. I drank my cactus juice and rested my hand on the table where she liked me to have in. "Would you like to have some of mine Korra?" Asami asked which made my stomach growl. "Fine just a little piece."

I ate the dumpling in her chip sticks that she held out to me and she moved her hand over mine. Asami ate another and then offered me another. I took it and before I knew it we finished the plate.

Asami ordered me a cake which I tried to decline but she wouldn't let me. Once it was on the table Asami spoon fed me this time we were sat closer to eachother.

Asami ate a few spoonfuls but I ate most of it. "There we go my sugar baby is nicely fed."

We headed out after Asami payed and we headed to her mansion. We ran upstairs and Asami brought me into her room. "Here put these on." Sami said handing me so silk pj's. "I'm good sleeping in my vest thanks." I said but Asami just looked cross. "Korra let me spoil you. I am your sugar mumma." Asami then kissed my cheek and gave my the pj's.

I left for the bathroom and got dressed making sure to leave my underwear and vest on underneath just incase. I came out and saw Asami in a matching set of silk pj's but her's where made for a feminine body. Small shorts and a vest clung to her body.

I walked closer to her as red as my fire and Asami smiled. "Aw don't you look comfortable. Let's get you into bed." Sami smiled and pulled me to the bed. She got in with me and wrapped me up. "I love spoiling you Korra." She laughed which made me smile. "I just wish I could spoil you too." I sighed. Asami pulled my chin to look at her. "You spoil me everything moment you're with me Korra, you don't have much free time but when you get it, you spend it with me. You spoil me with your time."

I smiled and kissed her nose. "I love you Sami." Sami kissed my nose back and said. "I love you too."

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