Chapter One

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Savannah stepped into her new Boston apartment, her eyes widening in surprise at the spaciousness of the place. It was a stark contrast to her New York loft. This apartment was easily double, if not triple the size, featuring two bedrooms with a master suite complete with its own bathroom and a large walk-in closet. There was also an additional half bath, a generous living area with a skylight, and a massive chef's kitchen. The decision to leave everything behind for a new job in an unfamiliar city with a boss she hadn't met yet was uncharacteristic of her. However, after a difficult breakup and at the age of 30, she saw it as an opportunity for a fresh start and a chance to reinvent herself.

The job offer had come unexpectedly in the form of a discreet assistant position, which intrigued Savannah. Along with the job came a fully paid apartment and a significant pay raise compared to her previous job. Admittedly, she had to sign a non-disclosure agreement and refrain from discussing her boss or her work, but the excitement and exhilaration outweighed any reservations she might have had.

Since she wouldn't be meeting her new boss until the following morning, Savannah decided to explore the city and find a place to eat. She stumbled upon a cozy local pub and took a seat at the bar. Just as she received her cheeseburgers and fries, a man sat down beside her, sparking a playful conversation.

"A woman who eats real food... didn't think they existed," the man teased.

Savannah turned towards the source of the comment and found herself captivated by the man's striking, amber-colored eyes and dark brown hair. A hint of stubble covered his face, emphasizing his sharp jawline. "Well, life is too short to eat rabbit food, don't you think?" she replied, popping a fry into her mouth.

"Cute," the man chuckled, taking a swig of his beer.

"Yes, you are," Savannah grinned, extending her hand. "I'm Savannah."

He shook her hand, introducing himself as Alex. "Is it okay if I join you here?"

Savannah playfully bit her lip, observing him as he took another sip of his drink, his tongue darting over his lips slowly. "Looks like you already have. But as long as you don't distract me too much from my dinner, I'll let it slide. It's been a long day, and I'm hungry."

Chuckling, Alex nodded and watched her eat, taking a large bite out of his burger, but curiosity got the better of him. "Why was it a long day, Savannah?"

After swallowing, she finished her beer and placed it on the bar to order another one. Before she could, Alex flagged down the bartender to order more drinks for both of them. "Thank you, Alex. I just moved here today, so it's been a long day of settling in and whatnot."

He nodded, handing her the fresh beer. "Just moved here? From where? And why?"

Savannah cleared her throat, sighing. "I suppose this inquisition is your way of getting to know me," she said with a playful glare, her frown turning into a smirk as he sighed in relief, realizing she was teasing him. She giggled, resting her hand on his arm, making him blush. "You're so cute. I'm from New York. I started a new job here as an assistant to a big CEO. I'm 30 years old, my mother still lives in New York, I never knew my father, and I don't have any siblings." She picked up her burger to continue eating, stealing a glance at him. "Oh! And my favorite color is blue. Now it's your turn while I enjoy my food."

Alex laughed, amused by her assertiveness. "Well, I think you're gorgeous. I'm 35 and from Boston. I work as a software engineer, my parents passed away, I have a younger brother, and my favorite color is green. Oh... and I'd like to ask you out sometime. Can I have your number?"

Resting her hand on his on the bar, Savannah frowned. "I'm really sorry about your parents, Alex."

He squeezed her hand, bringing it up to his lips for a gentle kiss on her knuckles. "That's sweet, but it was a long time ago. I'm fine."

Savannah nodded, studying him for a moment. "Do you have a girlfriend or a wife, Alex?"

He laughed, shaking his head. "No, absolutely not. No girlfriend, never been married."

"Okay," she shrugged, wiping her hands on her napkin before turning to face him on her stool. "Give me your phone." Watching his smile widen, revealing adorable dimples, she blushed as he handed her his phone. "I look forward to hearing from you." She entered her number and messaged herself before returning the phone to him.

As Alex stood up, Savannah watched him, her eyes taking in his height of around 6'2. "I'll call you as soon as I know when I'm free to take you out on a proper date."

God, those dimples. She wanted to kiss and lick them. Clearing her throat, she nodded, smiling up at him from her stool. "I can't wait." She hoped he would kiss her, but he blushed and instead left enough money on the bar to cover both their drinks and her dinner before walking away. Feeling a bit flustered, she turned back to her beer and finished it.

After finishing her dinner, Savannah stumbled upon a small ice cream shop on her way back to her apartment. She hesitated before entering, joining the line. Just as she was about to be served, a little girl excitedly cut in front of her. Savannah chuckled and took a step back, only to hear a deep but amused voice behind her.

"I'm so sorry. She's a little excited."

Shaking her head, Savannah's smile faltered slightly as she recognized the face in front of her. He was none other than the actor from her favorite movies. "It's totally fine. She can go ahead of me. Ice cream excites me too." She blushed as he arched an eyebrow, a small smirk playing on his lips. His intense gaze made her feel like he already knew her, and she couldn't help but feel self-conscious under his scrutiny. Her face flushed as she found herself lost in his mesmerizing pale blue eyes.

Chris smiled, giving a slight nod. "Let me at least buy your ice cream." He smirked at the gorgeous girl with bright green eyes peeking through her dark brown hair. He recognized her from the picture; she was the girl who would be his assistant. In person, she was even more attractive than he had imagined. She was petite, barely reaching his shoulders, and all he could think about was running his fingers through her dark locks. He knew he would have her, even if she didn't realize it yet, as he extended his hand. Although he noticed her blush, he introduced himself, "I'm Chris."

"Savannah." She accepted his hand, her breath catching as he pulled his lower lip into his mouth. She swallowed hard. "And you really don't have to do that."

"Oh, I insist," he shook his head, moving ahead of her to order ice cream for himself and the little girl. As he looked back at her, it felt less like a request and more like a command, causing her to shift uneasily as she nodded. Chris observed her as she ordered her ice cream, his eyes tracing the curves of her body in her tight jeans.

"Pistachio, please."

"I'm Stella!"

Savannah smiled, grateful for the distraction as the little girl approached her. She kneeled down to her level. "I'm Savannah. Nice to meet you." With a smile, she stood up as Chris handed her the ice cream cone, then he moved to sit at a small table with Stella. Savannah left the ice cream shop, stealing a quick glance back to find him watching her before she hurried away.

By the time she reached her apartment, Savannah's panties were soaked through as she replayed her encounter with Chris in her mind. She had just met him and would probably never see him again, but that brief interaction had a profound impact on her, and it left her feeling aroused. Groaning, she stripped down to her underwear before crawling into bed. Closing her eyes, she envisioned him staring at her as if he wanted to possess her. She slipped her hand into her panties, desperate for release.

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