Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Thanks for coming with me, Mom. I didn't really want to come without Savannah, but we aren't ready to travel with the baby yet," Chris says, sitting in his dressing room with his mom, waiting for the producer.

"Of course, honey. I know how these things make you nervous," his mom reassures him, rubbing his shoulder. She notices his watch and asks, "Is that new?"

Chris nods, "Yeah! Savannah got it for me for Father's Day yesterday. She had it engraved on the back and everything."

"Oh, that was sweet," his mom comments.

There's a knock on the door, and the producer comes in to lead Chris to the stage. He sits down, smiling and waving as the applause dies down.

"Chris! We're so happy to have you here!" Jimmy, the host, greets him.

Chris smiles and nods, "Happy to be here, Jimmy." He feels the nervous jitters in his stomach, knowing what Jimmy is going to ask. He's not used to being so open about his personal life.

"Let's just get right into it. You're here to clear a few things up?" Jimmy shows the picture of Chris and Savannah shopping, and then the picture of her coming out of the bridal shop. "Are you getting married? Having a kid? We need to know."

Chris laughs, "First things first, I am not getting married. Not currently." He points to the picture of Savannah. "That is my girlfriend, Savannah. Our friend is getting married, and she's a bridesmaid. That's why she was there."

Jimmy nods, "Okay. So girlfriend. You're saying you're taken?"

Chris nods, chuckling, "Oh yes. Very much so. Very happily."

"Okay. And the baby shopping? Is she pregnant?"

"Well, that's the thing, Jimmy. She is definitely not pregnant. Because," Chris looks out at the audience and then back at Jimmy, "she's already had the baby." He motions to a picture held up by Jimmy, showing him holding Robbie. "This is my son, Robbie. Savannah took that picture of us yesterday for my first Father's Day."

Jimmy waits for the audience to settle down a bit. "You have a son? How were you able to keep this off the radar for so long?"

Chris shrugs, "I take my privacy seriously. Savannah kept out of the spotlight."

"And you brought one more picture for us?"

Chris smiles, "Yes. My mother is here with me tonight, and she gave me a picture of myself as a baby." He motions for Jimmy to display a side-by-side picture of Robbie and himself. "That's me and my boy, Robert Alexander."

"Wow! You guys are practically twins. And how is Mom and the baby? Where are they?"

"They are both back home in Boston, which I'm very much looking forward to getting back to." Chris looks at the camera, winking for Savannah, who he knows is watching. "And they're both perfect."

Jimmy puts the pictures down. "Well, you guys heard it here. Not only is Chris off the market, he's a new father."


Savannah feels Chris slip into bed in the middle of the night, wrapping his arms around her. She moans slightly, pushing back against him before turning around to face him. "You're home," she says.

"I took the first flight I could. I couldn't stay away from you guys. How was the interview?" Chris brushes some hair out of Savannah's face, tucking it behind her ear.

"It was perfect, babe." She kisses him, quickly parting his lips with her tongue as she feels him pin her under his body. His tongue is aggressive as it fights for control. She feels him hard against her leg as she pushes him back onto his back. "We can't have sex, but I can do other things." She hears him moan as she trails kisses down his chest and stomach. She quickly removes him from his underwear, taking him firmly in her hand. He lets out a loud moan. This is the first time she has touched him since she got home. "Shh. Don't wake the baby." She sees him nod as he rests his head back on the pillow. She runs her tongue along the shaft, causing it to twitch in her hand. She watches him clutch onto the blanket of the bed as she takes him fully into her mouth. She starts slow, but his silent moaning quickly gets to her, and she begins to speed up. She knows he can't last long, knowing it has been so long since she pleasured him. She feels him bring his hand to the back of her head, guiding her movements as he starts bucking his hips, urgently desiring her. She feels him tighten in her hand as she starts to squeeze his balls, rubbing as he moans.

"Savi, don't stop," Chris groans.

She pulls away, looking at him. "Don't stop what?" she asks.

Chris groans, laughing, "Please don't stop."

Savannah giggles as she takes him firmly back into her mouth, stroking and sucking again as he yells out, clutching the blanket again and digging his heels into the bed.


She feels him quickly release into her mouth, hitting the back of her throat as she quickly swallows, hearing the baby wake up and cry. She laughs as she kneels back, and he sits up, pulling her mouth to his.

Chris groans as he tastes himself on her tongue, grabbing her waist and pulling her to him. "Good girl. God, I've missed you."

Savannah stifles a moan at his words. He knows what him saying that did to her. "You woke up the baby."

Chris nods, chuckling. "I know. Totally worth it. I'll go get him. I love you."

Savannah lies back on the bed, watching him put himself back in his underwear before getting up. "I love you too." He comes back a few minutes later with Robbie.

"I changed him. He wants you. He's hungry."

Savannah takes Robbie in her arms. "And you? Are you hungry?" She teases as he groans.

Chris nods. "God, yes. Savannah, I can't wait until I can feel you again."

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