Chapter Thirteen

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She doesn't hear from Chris the following day, so she starts getting ready for her date. She chooses to wear leggings and a light sweater, opting for flats since her date, Alex, is significantly taller than her. As she sits on the couch, she finds herself fixated on Chris' name in her phone. He hadn't reached out since their encounter last night. Feeling conflicted, she decides to message him.

I'm sorry Chris

A part of her secretly hopes that he will urge her not to go on the date and instead come to his place. But his response disappoints her.

Nothing to be sorry for
Enjoy your night

She groans at his reply, realizing that she couldn't bring herself to communicate her true desires to him. She yearned for him to claim her as his, to fully reciprocate her feelings. However, it's evident that he doesn't want her the way she wants him. He wants her to move on, and she resolves to do just that.


She knocks on Alex's front door, determined to put Chris out of her mind for the night. Alex greets her with a warm smile, which slightly eases her nerves. He kisses her on the cheek and invites her inside.

"I'm glad you're here, Savannah."

"Me too, Alex. I've missed you." She takes a seat at his kitchen table, where he has prepared food for them. He places a wine glass in front of her.


She nods, smiling. Alex is dressed in jeans and a v-neck t-shirt, barefoot. She can't help but think about how much she wants to kiss him as he sits down beside her. She starts eating, her gaze fixed on him. "This is so good. So you're smart, tall, hot, and you can cook? Why are you single again?"

Alex laughs. "Well, you're beautiful, smart, confident, and charming. Why are you single?"

She tilts her head. "Well, you know why. I haven't really dated anyone since..." Her thoughts drift to Chris and their complicated relationship, which can hardly be called dating.

"Right. I forgot. I'm sorry."

She shakes her head. "Don't be."

Leaning forward, Alex asks, "So, Savannah, does everyone call you that? Can I call you Savi?"

She shakes her head. "Just Savannah. I don't really like when people call me Savi." She lies, knowing deep down that she only enjoys being called Savi by Chris. He's the only one she desires to hear it from.

After dinner, she helps Alex clean up and do the dishes. As they finish, she leans against the counter while he places his hands on either side of her, leaning down towards her.

"Do you want to watch a movie with me?"

She giggles, placing her hands around the back of his neck. "If by watching a movie, you mean pretending to watch while we make out like teenagers on the couch, then yes. Yes, I do."

Alex laughs, nodding. "Yes, please." He takes her hand and leads her to the living room couch.

She sits beside him on the couch, and at first, he appears a bit shy. She positions herself at the edge of the couch, placing her legs in his lap. He takes the hint, leaning in closer and running his hand up her leg. Their lips connect, and she loses track of time as she melts into the passionate kiss. Unlike Chris, Alex isn't hesitant to kiss her. Feeling the heat rising, she removes her sweater, revealing a tank top underneath. He moans softly, trailing his lips to her neck, his facial hair gently brushing against her skin. His hand travels up her leg to her waist. However, thoughts of Chris and the look he gave her when she mentioned spending the night with Alex suddenly flood her mind. With a groan, she pushes Alex away.

"I'm sorry. I can't."

Alex pulls back, sitting back on the couch. "I'm sorry, Savannah."

She shakes her head. "No, it's not you. I'm just not sure I'm ready for that yet."

He nods, bringing his hand to her cheek. "Hey, that's fine. No worries. We can actually watch a movie."

"Thank you, Alex." She snuggles against his chest as he selects a movie for them to watch.

"Oh, Savannah, I almost forgot. My friend's birthday is next Saturday. I was wondering if you wanted to come as my date to the party."

She sits up, looking at him. "You want me to meet your friends?"

He gently runs his fingers through her hair. "Of course I do. Why wouldn't I? Will you come?"

She nods before resting her head back on his chest. "I'd love to, Alex." Meeting his friends is a step Chris was hesitant to take, let alone introducing her to his family.

After the movie, she decides not to spend the night, sharing a kiss with Alex before arranging for a ride home. When she arrives, she checks her phone and finds no contact from Chris. Perhaps giving him some space is the best option now. If he needs her, he'll reach out. She hopes.


In the morning, Savannah decides to visit a local coffee shop to grab a cup of coffee. As she prepares to leave, her eyes catch sight of Chris sitting at a table with an attractive blonde woman. Her heart sinks as jealousy stirs within her, and she entertains the thought of approaching them and asserting her claim over Chris. However, she quickly realizes the futility of such an act. Chris has never shown any romantic interest or reciprocated her feelings. She understands that she has no right to be possessive or jealous. With a heavy heart, Savannah swiftly exits the coffee shop, accepting the reality that there is no hope for a future with Chris.

Chris walks into the coffee shop the following morning and spots Allison already waiting for him. She's undeniably attractive, but he can't help feeling that her interest lies more in the idea of dating a celebrity like "Chris Evans" rather than genuinely connecting with him. He puts on a polite smile as they order their coffees and takes a seat. However, it becomes evident that she's more focused on her fantasy than engaging in a real conversation.

"Are you listening to me, Cap?" she asks, referring to his famous role.

He lets out a sigh, wishing she would stop using that nickname. "Yeah, I'm listening," he replies, trying to remain attentive and polite until the date comes to an end. As they part ways, he gives her a brief hug and a kiss on the cheek.

Walking back to his car, he feels a flutter of anticipation as he notices a message on his phone from Savannah. His heart skips a beat as he opens the message, eager to see what she has to say.

Who's the blonde?

Chris glances around, not seeing Savannah as he responded, scoffing softly to himself.

What does it matter?You have a "boyfriend"

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