Chapter Four

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Savannah finds herself changing her clothes multiple times the next morning, uncertain of what outfit to wear. Glancing at the clock, she realizes it's already past 8 am, prompting a frustrated groan. "I need to decide soon, or I'll be late. Who knows what he'll do if I keep him waiting," she mutters to herself, the thought of potential consequences causing a shiver to run down her spine. Lost in contemplation, she stands for a moment, a surge of electricity coursing through her as she envisions the punishments Chris might devise if she were to arrive late.

Shaking off the tantalizing thoughts, she lets out a sigh and dismisses them, focusing on her reflection in the mirror. Remembering that he mentioned not caring about her attire, she opts for a pair of skinny jeans, a long-sleeved shirt, and comfortable flats.


Savannah stands nervously on the porch, awaiting Chris' response as she semi-patiently waits for him to answer the door. When he finally does, she is greeted by a friendly brown and white dog.

Chris chuckles at the sight of her kneeling down to greet his dog, affectionately patting its head. He leans over and picks up the dog, explaining, "He just had surgery, so he's not supposed to get too worked up."

Savannah follows Chris into the house, stepping into a living room adorned with floor-to-ceiling windows. He gently sets the dog on a cozy dog bed, and she expresses her concern about possibly agitating him. "I'm sorry for riling him up. I didn't mean to." Her eyes catch a glimpse of a piano tucked away in the corner of the room, prompting her curiosity about whether Chris actually plays it or if it's purely for decorative purposes.

"No, no. Don't apologize. I'm sure I'd be riled up too if you were on your knees for me," Chris smirks, causing a slight blush to color Savannah's cheeks. He gestures for her to take a seat on the couch opposite him. "His name is Dodger."

Savannah looks fondly at Dodger, observing him as he rests comfortably on his bed before returning her gaze to Chris. "He's cute. Is he doing alright after the surgery?"

"He's fine. He had to undergo hip surgery," Chris leans towards her, resting his arms on his knees. "You're nervous," he points out as she chuckles in response.

"You know, normally I'm quite confident around men. But you make me nervous. Why is that, Chris?" She stands up and sits on the coffee table directly in front of him, and he smirks. "I don't like people telling me what to do."

Chris nods, leaning closer as she grips the edge of the coffee table. He tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear, observing her as she nibbles on her lip. "I know you don't. But... you enjoy calling me 'sir,' don't you?"

She moans softly, nodding her head slightly. "I do. No kissing? How does that work? Don't you want to kiss me?"

"You have no idea," he responds with a groan, bringing his hand up to caress her cheek. His thumb runs over her lips as she parts them, and he rests his thumb on her lower lip. "I just think it's too personal. We're here for mutual release, let's not make it too real or intimate. Okay?"

She nods in agreement, her eyes fixed on him as he leans back on the couch. "Okay. Anything else?"

Chris watches her gaze wander down his body, from his chest downwards. "No sleeping together? Like I said, this is new for me too... We can figure it out as we go along. Does that sound good?"

"Okay." She wants to ask if they can start now, desperate to feel his hands on her. She notices the bulge in his jeans, knowing that he shares her thoughts. "So... regarding the assistant role, what kind of tasks would I be handling?"

"I need you to accompany me to a film festival next week, and I'll need help organizing my sometimes chaotic life. You'll also assist me with running errands when I'm in town. I prefer to avoid getting my picture taken if I can help it," he explains, leaning closer again as she flicks her tongue over her lips. "Now, I know you're eager for me to touch you, but I think we should prolong it a bit more."

She whimpers, leaning towards him with her face just inches from his. "Please..."

He rests his hands gently on her thighs, his face hovering close to hers. He realizes it will be challenging to resist kissing her, already regretting the self-imposed rule. He craves the taste of her tongue against his own. "Please what, Savannah?"

She places her hands on top of his, her heart racing in her chest. "Please, I want you to touch me, Chris." A slight smirk appears on her lips as he tilts his head to the side, raising an eyebrow. "Sir," she adds, causing him to emit a soft moan.

Unable to resist any longer, he firmly grasps her waist and pulls her onto his lap. Swiftly removing her shirt, he presses his lips against her neck as she grinds her hips against his throbbing cock confined within his jeans. "I thought I said I wanted to wait," he mutters, breathless, as she giggles and rests her head against his.

"You want me just as strongly as I want you. I know you do."

"Clearly, you have figured that out." He nods with a smirk, sliding his thumb into the strap of her bra and gently pulling it down to expose her skin. Just as he leans in to kiss her, the sound of his phone ringing from the kitchen interrupts them. "Saved by the bell."

She chuckles, rising from her spot and allowing him to stand up. She settles down on the ground beside Dodger, offering him gentle strokes. Observing Chris as he enters the kitchen and paces while engaged in a hushed phone conversation, Savannah lets out a sigh and decides to join him.

Leaning against the counter, Chris's eyes remain fixated on her as she approaches. She gracefully positions herself on her knees in front of him, skillfully unfastening his jeans. As she pulls out his cock from his underwear, he grips onto the edge of the counter with his free hand, relishing in the pleasure surging through him.

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