Chapter Seven

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Savannah stood nervously in the kitchen, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and awkwardness as Chris confronted the unexpected visitor, his brother. She instinctively sought refuge behind Chris, using him as a shield against the piercing gaze of Scott. The tension in the room was palpable as Chris expressed his frustration.

"What are you doing here, Scott? You can't just walk in whenever you feel like it!" Chris reproached, his irritation evident in his tone. Savannah's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, hoping that Scott wouldn't notice her presence.

Scott's lips curled into a mischievous grin as he motioned toward Savannah. "I thought you said you weren't with a girl," he teased, clearly enjoying the uncomfortable situation.

Chris let out an exasperated groan, realizing he had been caught in a lie. "Please, don't tell Mom. What are you doing here?" he repeated, trying to redirect the conversation.

Scott placed a container on the counter, his expression softening. "She wanted me to bring you some leftovers since you couldn't make it," he explained, offering an explanation for his unexpected visit.

Chris nodded, acknowledging the gesture. "Okay, thanks. You can go now," he replied, hinting at his desire for Scott to leave and alleviate the tension in the room.

However, Scott crossed his arms defiantly. "You aren't going to introduce me to the girl?" he pressed, determined to satisfy his curiosity.

Savannah timidly attempted to step forward, but Chris instinctively blocked her path, nudging her protectively behind him. "Not right now, no. Can you go?" Chris asserted, his protective instincts kicking in.

Scott sighed with a dismissive scoff. "Fine, another time then," he conceded, finally relenting and acknowledging the need to respect Chris's wishes.

Chris closed the distance between them, his gaze filled with desire and apology as he spoke, "I'm so sorry about my brother."

Savannah shook her head, a determined look in her eyes as she discarded his shirt for the second time. "It's okay. I've had enough teasing. Let's change the game right now," she replied, her voice laced with a mix of anticipation and frustration.

A soft chuckle escaped Chris's lips, his eyes tracing every contour of her body. "I couldn't agree more," he whispered, swiftly discarding his pants and underwear, leaving himself completely exposed. Standing naked before her, he placed his hands on his hips, a posture that exuded confidence. "Your turn," he encouraged, a glint of anticipation dancing in his eyes.

With a nervous yet determined nod, Savannah mirrored his actions, shedding her skirt and bra, revealing her own nakedness. The air between them crackled with anticipation, their bodies now stripped down to their most vulnerable state.

Chris let out a low, appreciative moan as his eyes roamed over her, taking in every inch of her beauty. Breaking the spell of silence, he pointed towards the couch they had occupied earlier. "Sit," he commanded, his voice dripping with authority.

Obeying his command, Savannah positioned herself at the edge of the couch, her anticipation building with each passing moment. Chris knelt before her, his eyes locked with hers, his focus solely on her pleasure. Sensing her need, he propped one of her legs on the coffee table, providing himself better access.

Without wasting any time, Chris delved into his task, skillfully teasing her sensitive clit. Savannah's grip on the edge of the couch tightened as waves of pleasure coursed through her body. The build-up of days of longing and frustration reached its peak when she felt him capture her clit between his teeth, his tongue expertly flicking against it.

Unable to contain herself, Savannah's body responded instinctively, bucking her hips against him. Chris, attuned to her desires, wrapped his arm around her leg, anchoring her in place as her hips moved in sync with his touch. The sensations intensified as his fingers joined the dance, plunging inside her, further fueling the flames of pleasure.

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