chapter 4

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Strawberry Blonde

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Strawberry Blonde

When Jisung looked in the mirror he smiled brightly.

This time he felt prettier.

His hair was a strawberry blonde now. He was gorgeous. He loved the way he looked.

'Now he'll like me better'

But something was missing.

Right Naomi has freckles. He frowned. Why couldn't he have natural freckles?

His phone started ringing and it was from Diovanni. He quickly picked up.

"I'm going to get some starbucks wanna come?"

"Sure, I'll be there in 5"

Jisung hung up the phone. And took a quick glance at the mirror and went to his bedroom.

"What would she wear?" He pictured Naomi. He looked through his closet and found some baggy jeans. He also picked out a yellow top. He grabbed the nearest shoes and ran out the house.

He arrived and waved to a surprised looking Diovanni. He giggled.

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