chapter 18

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Strawberry Blonde

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Strawberry Blonde

Jisung stared at the people passing by.

Everyone looked so beautiful. They all looked so unique in their own ways. Different styles. Though some looked plain they still looked interesting somehow.

As he roamed around the streets he saw so many things he had never seen before.

This was different from america. Where they would make fun of him and threaten him.

The streets were pretty busy today.

He entered a restaurant. The inside had many tables, different paintings at the side. He smiled softly. "Hello how may I help you today?" A pretty woman said. But in korean of course. Jisung tried to muster up words. "I c─can't speak korean?" He said in the most broken voice ever.

Her face turned into a very much confused face. "Oh you speak english?" She said also in a broken voice. Jisung nodded.

A language barrier. Great.

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