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Strawberry Blonde

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Strawberry Blonde

"Have you loved somebody before me?"

"Yeah...his names Diovanni. I was really into him. He was my best friend too."

"Do you still talk to him?"

"No. After I moved to Korea with my mom I cut contact with him."


"Something happened. It's a pretty long story I guess."

"Its okay. I have time. I could listen to you talk all day."

Jisung felt his cheeks warm up. He gave Seungmin a small smile.

"Okay then," Jisung put his drink down. "But is it okay to talk about this? I mean we're on a date."

"Yeah its okay. It doesn't matter. I just wanna hear you talk."

Gosh, Seungmin knew how make him flustered.

When Jisung told him the whole thing, Seungmin cupped the olders cheeks. "That was a lot. You're happy now though. I'm glad."

"I love you Seungmin."

"I love you too bub."


Its done! Wow this was a pretty long ride I guess.

First story I've actually finished. Can't wait to write more stories!

Should I make a sequel about more of Jisung's experience living in korea and his and Seungmin's relationship? Let me know :)

Byebye! <3

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