chapter 15

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Strawberry Blonde

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Strawberry Blonde

Jisung stared at the home phone.

He grabbed the phone and put it to his ear and slowly typed out Diovanni's phone number.

He pressed the call button but it quickly went to voicemail.

"Hey this is Diovanni. I'm currently busy, or maybe my phone is dead, and am not able to answer right now. Please leave a voicemail!"


"Hey this is Jisung. I'm calling you just to let you know that I'm moving to korea. I just thought that its better letting you know instead of just disappearing suddenly. Not like you'll want to talk to me but yeah. You probably hate me now after what happened. But its okay! Listen we're not gonna see each other ever again. I hope you and Naomi get together. You deserve to be happy. I'm glad you met her. So this is goodbye I guess. Uhm I love you. Bye Diovanni."

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