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Strawberry Blonde

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Strawberry Blonde

"We're staying at your grandparents until we can settle in alright?"

Jisung nodded staring out the window. Seeing the ocean reminded him of when Diovanni took him to that farm.

It took maybe an hour to arrive to Jisung's grandparents house. It was a really big apartment. Jisung looked in awe as he entered.

"Oh my god! Jisungie! Hello! Its been so long!" His grandma spoke in korean. And thats when he realized he didn't understand a single word she said.

He snapped his head towards his mom with a pure look of confusion. She sighed looking down. "Mom Jisung doesn't know how to speak korean," She said.

His grandma gasped. "How could you let him forget his own native language?" She went on and on scolding his mom. By the time she was finished Jisung had ran off to explore the apartment.

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