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"JEON!!",he heard his name being yelled by his boss which brought out an involuntary sigh from the said man as he stood up from the seat.

"Mr.kim?", he knocked at the door of his boss and gulped down his saliva in fear when he heard another yelling for him to come inside.

"COME IN , DAMNIT!",and jungkook didn't waste a second to enter the lion's den and was instantly met with his boss aka Mr.Kim aka Mr. Kim taehyung, the youngest and the most successful businessman of South Korea who was fuming in anger and could only imagine for the worst.

"Didn't I tell you that this lady is not allowed to come inside my cabin!?", Taehyung literally growled at the male who instantly lowered his head in fear.

"I-i'm s-sorry ,Mr.Kim", jungkook apologised but flinched when he heard the other yell again.

"Don't you have the manners to look at the person when you talk!? God! And what's with you always stuttering!? How in the hell did hyung select you to be my personal assistant!?",he yelled which made both jungkook and the lady to literally shiver in fear.

"I'm sorry-", jungkook tried his best to stop himself from stuttering but before he could finish, taehyung roared yet again.

"Stop with your apologies! And I'm telling you this for the last time! Get it into your mind and act accordingly if you really wanted to stay employed, Jeon. ",he said as he walked closer to the said male.

"This lady over there-",he said as he pointed to the girl who stood there looking like a kicked puppy but jungkook knew things better.

"-Must not come to my cabin. I must not see her anywhere near my cabin and if you don't act accordingly, you'll be fired then and there without any notice! Keep that in mind!", he snarled and turned towards the 'lady'.

"And Nancy!"

"O-oppa",she stuttered in her 'cute' voice and jungkook rolled his eyes at her- mentally.

'This bitch!',he thought as he glared at the girl who was acting like an innocent girl in front of mr. Kim.

"One more time you enter my cabin with any of those dirty thoughts in your mind, forget about continuing your model career in this company. I don't care if you're our top model or whatever. I will straightaway terminate your contract and there's no going back in my decision. Your absence won't make any difference in our profits anyway.",he said as he glared at the girl who now really looked scared.

"Get out!",he shouted and the girl immediately scurried away, scared.

"Filthy slut", taehyung muttered as he saw the girl running away like a crane with her high heels on and turned towards his assistant who instantly looked down.

"What's with you always avoiding eye contact,Jeon!? Tch Whatever! Where's the file that I asked you to complete this morning?", he asked as he sat on his seat.

"Mr.Kim,you asked me to prepare it within lunch.",he said as he looked at his boss who just raised his eyebrows at him annoyingly.

"So?",he asked, totally not liking the reply from the assistant.

"I still have two hours-

"So you didn't complete the work? What the hell,Jeon! If I ask you to complete lunch, you'll wait till the last minute to complete it? ",he shouted.

"I'm sorry-

"And there you go with your apologies! ",He grumbled as he opened his file from the table.

"You better complete it within lunch,Jeon. I want to see that file on my table the first thing after lunch! If not, you'll get a memo. Now you may go!",he said as he shooed away the young man who literally ran out of the cabin.

"This man! What does he think of himself! I'm a human too! Not a machine! First of all he gave me a file to work on which is really hard even for an experienced person. And now he's scolding me for not completing it sooner and even threatened to give me a memo!?", jungkook complained as he sat on his designated seat but sighed heavily once he remembered his own situation.

"You don't have any other choice,jungkookie. You need this job. Prove him that you're more than  capable to live without his support. Fighting!", He cheered himself up and started working with the newly found encouragement.

"Kookie!",he heard his name being called by one of his friends named jimin who must be sitting with his other friends and smiled as he walked towards them with his sandwich. He managed to submit the file within 10 minutes before the lunch break was over and now he had to finish his lunch within 10 minutes. If not he would have to face his boss's wrath yet again.

"Looks like Mr.Kim didn't spare you even today?",jimin asked as he sat down beside him while the others looked at him sympathetically.

"Just the usual,hyung. Like always I was on the brink of getting a memo but this time I also got a threat to be fired",he said as he took a big bite from his sandwich.

"Why!? What happened!?"This time it was jin.

"Nancy happened",he just signed as they already knew what would have happened.

"That bitch! Can't she stop already? It's really clear that mr.kim hates her mere presence",Hoseok said as he grumbled under his breath which made jungkook to chuckle softly at him.

"I'm seriously going to mix something in her hair spray which would make her go bald. She always brings trouble to kookie",Daniel grumbled but yelped when he got smacked on his head by yoongi.

"You won't stop with your ideas of making Nancy's life a hell,huh?",he asked as he looked at jungkook who was just smiling while he munched his sandwich.

"Don't feel stressed, kookie. Though he's short tempered, he won't act ridiculously and you yourself know that.  And if he overworks you,you can always ask us for help. You know that right?",he asked gently and that was enough for jungkook to break into a wide smile.

"Yes, hyung. Thank you so much",he said with the most genuine smile he could muster. He was grateful. He really was. Grateful that he had met these 5 people-jimin,suga,jin, Hoseok and Daniel and even though they've known him only for like 6 months,they still cared for him like they cared for their own brother which really made him feel loved. 6 months ago,when he came to Seoul,he had only one thought in his mind. That is, he had to succeed in his life no matter what. He must prove to everyone that he's more capable of taking care of himself and when he got the job in Kim enterprises, he was more than happy. But gaining the friendship of these wonderful people were totally unexpected and his vulnerable heart needed that more than anything at that time.

"Kookie, stop spacing out and eat fast. If not you'll again get scolded by that hitler",jin scolded him which made the said male to immediately shove the remaining sandwich in his mouth and run towards his short tempered boss' room, praying that he won't be scolded for the rest of the day.

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